The official in charge of the Trump administration’s bid to speed up vaccine development wants permission from the White House to begin briefing the Biden transition, the Financial Times reported.
The official in charge of the Trump administration’s bid to speed up vaccine development wants permission from the White House to begin briefing the Biden transition,
“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… you’re so fucked!” Really, does he need permissions for that? Or is this an actual medical professional?
That fact that he’s saying this publicly means that members of the White House staff are already starting to break rank. This is the trickle before the flood. I would guess that it’s only a matter of a few more days before the flood hits.
Except it is. You are 100% permitted to pass on the information if you believe it is the right thing to do and they can’t do shit other than fire you. Choose, fuckface. It’s not the rest of Amurikkka’s fault you’re in this pickle…they shouldn’t have to pay for your mistake of getting into it in the first place.
“Slaoui told the newspaper that he would need approval from the Trump administration before he could reach out to the transition team led by President-elect Joe Biden.”
Has the vaccine information been classified? Assuming no, then there’s nothing stopping him other than his own cowardice. Or maybe he doesn’t want to get fired right before Christmas and be forced to give his kids oranges instead of Teslas?
I wonder if he’s already working some back-channel to communicate with them and this is a way of shaming the White House into acting.
With lives on the line, I think I would find a way to do that if I were him. Maybe nudge the Biden Team to issue something like a FOI request that he’s required to comply with.
Eunice Lopez, of Lawrence, Massachusetts, looks at the COVID-19 Empty Chair Memorial on display at Campagnone Common, on Wednesday, November 11. Elise Amendola/AP