Trump’s Projection Of Strength After Assassination Attempt Borrows From Authoritarian Playbook

I do so vividly recall George Wallace riding the assassination attempt on him to victory in 1972 and who can forget how Gerald Ford survived two attempts and rode the resulting popularity to victory in 1976.


Remember … if I post something I got wrong I’m always open to correction


Moi aussi. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



At his very core, Cadet Bone Spurs possesses fake bravado, masking his real chickenshit personality.


That spot was the area for the selected pool photographers covering the event. When I was working this was usually a person with the AP, NYT, Reuters and a few other national papers who were assigned to the candidate and went everywhere with the same group of reporters. A local photographer from that city’s newspaper was also added to that group as a courtesy (I was lucky enough to be able to do this several times during election years). They always had much closer access for taking photos during the event with the advantage of being able to use shorter and wider lenses (as seen in the photo on the left) as opposed to the normal position for the rest of the media which was usually on risers about 50-70 yards from the stage. You, at a minimum, had to use a 400mm lens from that position which compresses the image (seen in the photo on the right). So being in the pool did provide a perfect angle for those photos and all of those photographers (as well as the ones from the fixed position) were 100% thinking that this will be the day the person they were covering would get shot and were ready for it. It’s what we called the “covering your butt” assignment because you didn’t want to be the only media that didn’t have someone there if it happened.


Pretty clearly the SS had been told that the shooter had been taken out. There was, however, a second person identified as suspicious who was not in custody as far as I know.

Trump should not have been making himself and the SS team a target.


Excellent movie called Downfall covers the last 10 days of Hitler’s life (and all the others there with him) from his 56th birthday on April 20th, 1945 to his suicide on April 30th.


I am confused. The article’s by-line says Ruth Ben-Ghiat but the article says that Ruth Ben-Ghiat was the person being interviewed by the journalist who wrot the article… Which is it?

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This is usually what happens. Not only was Bob Jackson in the perfect place when Oswald got shot but he also said he actually pressed the shutter a few seconds after the other photographers started taking photos which is why he was the only one who got that photo. The Iwo Jima photo Joe Rosenthal took was actually of the second flag-raising, in which a larger replacement flag was raised by different Marines than those who raised the first flag. So timing is everything. I do get what you are saying about how perfect it all was and I agree somewhat. Something just seems off about this whole event.


What would be interesting is checking the photo credits on those photos. If they are credited to actual real photographers working for real paper (such as Doug Mills with the NYT) okay I can see it. But if some unknown person working for some not recognized media got the photo they are using for all the merch that would raise some questions as to why that person was in that position in the first place. Besides, I can’t see the NYT or legit media letting TFG that image for his crap.


Good thought process there.

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Did someone write, “projection of strength”?


Here’s a closer look.


So now there seems to be some talk about what is going on with this post. Some are saying it was a self deactivation whatever that is, so I’ll keep checking the story. Now saying it’s a dated photo (2023) and was someone possibly posing as Souza and that person killed his fake account. Sorry.


the Nazis had their Blutfahne and Horst Wessel, our Republicans have their bloody ear and the oversized sanitary pad . . . first time as tragedy and all that


Downfall (Der Untergang) is excellent, saw it, of course, in the original German. Fantastic acting, the guy who plays Hitler (Bruno Ganz, a Swiss ational) died about 5 years ago.

The movie was based in part on a book by the same name written by Joachim Fest, and in part on a book (Bis zur letzten Stunde — Until the Last Hour) as well as an interview (Im toten Winkel — Hitler Sekretärin roughly in the blind spot - Hitler’s secretary) by Traudl Junge, who gave the interview just weeks before her death in 2002. I’ve seen that too and it’s quite amazing. According to what I’ve read, she basically wrote the memoirs in her book around 1947 but never published them until just before she died, so the events she described were still relatively fresh.

Der Untergang contains the scene with a shaking, demented Hitler hunkered over the maps in the Führerbunker screaming at his generals that everyone loves to parody with other content.


Except that Hitler and Mussonlini’s speaking style were also looked upon as a joke by many Europeans and Americans in the years before the war. I don’t get it. But there it is.


thanks for the correction

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