Trump’s Projection Of Strength After Assassination Attempt Borrows From Authoritarian Playbook

We could go with, “A man’s gotta know his limitations.”
I gather they don’t.


Take a listen:

Even my cat is “awed” …


The Fates have played some big tricks on us.

trump dodges a bullet. Joe drops out. Kamala strikes a glorious chord.

That’s been one superbusy deus ex machina.

The Livingest Martyr in History is - fortunately for us - irredeemably addled and doomed to fail again, even with near half of this nation’s millions mindlessly worshipping him!

Only in America.


Unfortunately, I’d say pretty good.
‘Leading’ candidate for the presidency is shot at. No one knows the extent of his injuries. Answering that question with a photo would be the money shot.


Marketing opportunity for pendant necklaces with an ear instead of a cross!


As a society, we need to do something to reduce the amount of white on white crime committed by registered Republicans, like the shooting at Trump’s rally.


With all apologies to Shepard Fairey…


They actually cussed out Dunkin. How dare they tow the cares that filled their lot, taking all of the spaces! Especially when there was a sign warning of the same.

The best part? The name of the towing company was “Gotcha!”


They died within 2 days of each other (Mussolini on 28 April 1945 and Hitler on 30th) so I doubt that Hitler saw photos. He probably heard about Mussolini, but not even sure of that because Berlin was under siege.

ETA: checked it out and he did receive word of Mussolini’s death, which strengthened his resolve to end his life himself.


Thanks for the clarification.

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Yes he was. He saw the pictures, and he constantly talked about Mussolini’s end during his last days in the Berlin Bunker. In fact, he swore that he would not let himself survive to be put on trial or treated as the Duce had been treated–caught by insurgents and unceremoniously shot and strung up by his feet at a gas station. That’s why he shot himself, after getting Goebels and his fellow thungs to promise that he’d be immolated before the Russians could get to his body. As pointed out here, the immolation was bungled–there wasn’t enough gas that could be rounded up in what was left of Nazi-controlled Berlin, so his body wasn’t completely destroyed, and the Russians found his skull.


While it’s true Trump and his followers convey the image of authoritarianism, it’s equally true Trump is using the attempted assassination as the latest (in a long series of) grifting exercises to separate money from the marks.

With Trump, we never should forget he’s first and foremost a con man.


I’m betting your kitty is quite used to being awwwwwwwed. :smile_cat:


Even if pro hadn’t been there, there were dozens of smartphones in action.


If Jimmy Breslin had never written another word, he would be immortal for his description of Giuliani (and by extension Trump):
‘A small man in search of a balcony.’

They are both children of Mussolini.


Yes, but as someone who’s covered events as the photographer, I feel pretty confident saying there was some major luck involved. I mean – the exact right instant. From below, making him look powerful and large. The flag seen in its entirety. The echo of Iwo Jima. And a professional photographer who exposed it very well (or at least enough to edit it that way). It’s all just too much.

There were cell phones, but there was one pro in exactly the right spot. I don’t say that to claim a conspiracy, but I say it to shake my head in dismay at the luck. We could be looking at much worse images of the same thing, but instead we’ve got this iconic fist raise at the only moment in all of it that he looked anything other than helpless and terrified.

I covered three graduations for a college. In all that time, I took one photo of graduates throwing their hats into the air that looked really, really good. And I knew it was about to happen, and had placed myself well. This was some very good luck, even though I’m sure there were multiple photogs taking images at 7 fps.

I mean, just look at this thing:

ETA: And now that I look at it, there’s the triangular composition echoing Renaissance paintings, complete with whatever that black bar is at left, and the dramatic pose of the agents in front and behind, like some dang Biblical tableau a la da Vinci.


Lucky as Hell, then.
Thanks for the clarification.


I keep reminding ya’ll that Trumpers have poor reading comprehension. And they don’t have a lick of common sense between them all.


Thanks for the historical correction. I had thought there was more space between their deaths.


To be honest, so did I, but then I got curious and checked it out.