Trump’s Lawyers Rehash Already-Rejected Arguments In Endless Bid To Dismiss Immunity Case

Just wish at some point a judge (Chutkan here would be good) could get seriously irate and hammer Trump’s lawyers who make completely unsubstantiated arguments over and over again. Best example, they keep arguing the SC said contact with Pence is immune. SC did not say that. It is not a frivoulous statement, it is black-and-white wrong. SC said it was ‘presumed’ immune. Meaning the presumption can be rebutted, but to do that it has to go before the grand jury to be included in the indictment so that the presummption can be challenged and rebutted. Cannot be prejudicial to place it before the grand jury so that it can be addressed. Sanctions, or a stern admonishment to stop wasting the court’s time, on paper or in person. There are plenty of delay options left, without arguing the sky is green over and over again.

End rant.


Also Fat Shitz

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For many things.

Sadly we cant muster the numbers because, Republicans.

So we will have to wait until next year after Harris is inaugurated and states leave the Union, then we may get the 2/3rds needed…

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My read is “why didn’t you say anything about x?” ass-coverage by people representing a nightmare malignant narcissist client who knows he’s smarter and savvier than his lawyers and won’t take “because that’s already been decided, the error is preserved for appeal and that’s not what this part of the case is about” as an answer.




Same ol’-same-ol…just keep pitching handfuls of spaghetti against the courtroom walls, hoping a few strands will stick. You know, when tRump loses the election, so much of these delay tactics will simply disappear, and very quickly tRump goes to trial, not only in DC, but in FL as well, after the 11th CA has their way with the ineffable Judge Cannon for dismissing the stolen doc case.
Justice is coming, tRump can’t avoid it.



Yes and yes, and he can then be removed from office under the 25th Amendment.


2/3rds in House/Senate

3/4th states ratify

Legal systems essentially a product of money. Justice is lip service.

If the Alaskan Salmon bite, Smith lacks standing to indict.