Trump’s Failing Coronavirus Response is Standard Issue Republicanism in 2020 | Talking Points Memo

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“but that hasn’t prevented President Trump from meeting personally with Azar’s old Eli Lilly colleagues to talk business.”
Which is exactly why they rejected the WHO test kits
They wanted Big Pharma to get a cut of the action at the risk of US lives
It’s the reason they had to have a “secret” Coronovirus meeting so they could figure out how to profit off the crisis
To call them evil would do a injustice to villans everywhere
I hope when we take control again we can have a Nuremberg trial to prosecute them for crimes against humanity


The Republican Party relies on nothing but scams, scapegoating and sabotage to remain in power. Is it any wonder that they’re only able to make every problem worse?


per WaPo:

A top government official from Australia said that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus, just days after he returned from a meeting with Ivanka Trump and a Justice Department event in Washington that was attended by U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr and acting U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.

There’s a photo of the Australian standing shoulder to shoulder with Ivanka Trump and another standing right next to Barr none. Just tell me these idiots aren’t going to increase the spread.



The infected Australian is the one in front of sleeping Barr.


And you know the ignorant fat fuck just followed him to the Podium and put his greasy unwashed little paws all over it


Don’t forget the hypocrisy. It’s their special sauce. They put that shit on everything.


Maybe some greater percentage of the public will see the Republicans for what they are when it becomes obvious they are complicit in helping the spread of COVID19 in the US. There are probably 30% who will never get it but opening up the eyes of 5% of the 42% who approve of Trump will be enough to boot Trump out and get back the Senate.


Wrecking the Rule of Law is hard work, he needs to get his rest wherever he can.


For the most part, their problem is not incompetence. It’s that they apply their competence and considerable resources in exactly the way a “normal” Republican administration would: protection for the powerful, callousness for the afflicted, and a special disdain for the “other.”



Coronavirus Test Kits Sent to States Are Flawed, C.D.C. Says

Some tests distributed by the agency deliver “inconclusive” readings. The C.D.C. will need to ship new ingredients, further delaying results.

The CDC sent novel coronavirus testing kits to Florida. They might not work

The CDC just need to be more assertive in telling the public we got these things but we aren’t sure how accurate they are. CNBC ran an article about a month ago reporting that China was doing clinical diagnosis of the virus and not relying just on the test kits. Clinical diagnosis is based on a study of the signs and symptoms of a disease. They are also using CT scans. Clinical diagnosis cases are included in their count. They are probably doing this because the test are iffy for the virus considering pneumonia is what kills most people who are infected with it and in China 400,000 a year die from pneumonia according to a Lancet 2005 study. The good news from China as of March 12 confirmed cases
of 80,981 there have been 3,173 deaths from the virus and 62,924 people have recovered. Info obtained from Statista.


Aside from all of the insidiousness of humans failing humans?
There’s a financial aspect to this-- which also goes beyond the mundane aspects of governments (state, local) ability to re-apply funds as needed-- based on a national state of emergency being declared by a president.

Dealing with insurance claims and contractual clauses. Two events in Texas, the SXSW music industry affair in Austin-- and the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Both were pressing hard to have the city governments declare municipal emergencies-- in order to trigger contractual clauses allowing all manner of individuals and companies to make insurance claims.

So-- in addition to the idea of Trump just not wanting to admit he was wrong about COVID-19?
There’s likely some heavy-handed pressure coming from the health insurance industry to keep this pandemic event from putting their bottom lines at risk-- which a formal declaration of national emergency seems likely to effect.

This is worse-- way worse-- than war profiteering like Cheney & Co. presided over.
This is selling lives for dollars with a nudge-and-wink.

This? Is quid pro quo majeure.


ETA: Striking the word ‘health’ above. Mea culpa.



There is real panic and fear - as well as anger and desperation from small business owners who have invested heavily in events that have been cancelled.


They are evil.


Do health insurance companies also sell insurance policies covering loss of income from canceled events such as music festivals and rodeos? Blue Cross will sell me a policy, paying me for losses if a band I’m promoting fails to play because the venue announces the concert is canceled?

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What were Barr and Ivanka dong with the Australian together in the first place? Another “save trump from the Mueller Report” gambit? Something is more than fishy about this. Australia is where the entire Mueller investigation began. Am I nuts to wonder?


The Australian was in the US, don’t know for how many days, but then flew home and got sick. There stands Barr and Ivanka and who knows how many others that were in close proximity.


OOPS! I misunderstood. Happens often. Although the question remains. Is the Australian coal-owned government considering helping Trump scam us once again? OT somewhat, but still a concern.


They were strong-arming the Australian PM to announce Joe Biden is being investigated as the cause of their fires.


No problem, don’t we all with way too much information coming at us much too fast.