Trump’s Ex-CDC Director Finds Greener Pastures At ‘Big Ass Fans’

Possibly one of the funniest things I’ve ever read on the Internet:


Weird. Big Ass Fans are great for large, covered-but-open spaces like equestrian facilities. They work great there, but there’s not really much concern with indoor air quality. I guess they could also be used for big enclosed spaces like a factory, though.


Obama’s former CDC Director went to work on “Big Ass Grabs”.

NEW YORK — Dr. Thomas Frieden, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was arrested and charged with sexual misconduct charges on Friday.

Frieden, who led the CDC from 2009 to 2017, was charged with forcible touching, sexual abuse, and harassment in connection with an incident at his Brooklyn home in October. He made a brief appearance in a courtroom here and was arraigned, before being released by the court.

Frieden has been accused of grabbing a woman’s buttocks without her permission during the incident, according to an NYPD spokeswoman. A colleague of Frieden’s said the woman was a longtime family friend of the former CDC director and that she had alleged “inappropriate physical contact.”

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It’s spelled and presented the way the company represents their company name.


Yup, these are quite ubiquitous in warehouses and such. Our company has several…


Some people do need big ass-fans. Others will probably be okay with the medium size. The small ones have been discontinued.

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Hmmm…Arby’s and the payday lenders weren’t hiring?


That’s what I was thinking. You don’t go from heading the CDC to being a health adviser for a fan company. Admittedly, ventilation is a huge health issue lately, but they could get a specialist in the field or use a consultant who has the background. I doubt he knows a damn thing about aerosols and such. It would be bad enough if they had a sensible name, but of course they’re named—on three, everyone, one, two, three, BIG ASS FANS. :grin:


Perhaps Tr_mp could be spokesman for Big Ass. The doc got along great with Tr_mp. Synergy!

Life really hasn’t been kind to Redfield and the scarf lady in the post-Trump era. Nor for Caputo or that Paul Alexander fellow.

Someone should really introduce Redfield to Matthew Whitaker, because if you buy a “Big Ass Fan”, you’re probably also in the market for a “Big Dick Toilet”.


Can we call him Windy Redfield now?


I always got a chuckle out of GWB’s swagger that was supposed to indicate that his package was so big that he had to walk bowlegged to keep from injuring himself. It is a walk that 16 year old boys affect, but usually get over if they ever mature into men.


I think it’s funny! Their website even says things like “Our Customers are our biggest fans.” And
“Are you ready to go Big Ass?” They’re clearly all in on the whole schtick. Plus they seem to be well made and well engineered fans. But I’m no fan expert.


I thought this appointment to Big Ass Fans would have been more appropriate for . . .



We have two BIG ASS FANS at my workplace.

I guess Redfield’s appointment was all about COVID prevention via air ventilation, but these fans just blow lots of air around. They do not ventilate by any means.


I saw one on an architectural tour a few years ago. It was in a great room type of space and it fit into the industrial vibe. They also had a huge whirlpool tub with custom sculpted spots for the owners’ butts so perhaps “ass” was a motif.


There’s a whole flavor of advertising where you’re all naughty and winky-winky. I think it’s a little juvenile myself. :face_with_monocle:

But seriously ventilation is huge when you’ve got an airborne virus deal going on. Huge factor in the relative safety of an interior. So this could actually be a good marketing thing for them, come to think of it.


In all fairness, all the millions of deranged Trump fetishists should be more appropriately called Big Ass Fans.


They use them in the DC Armory, the HQ of the DC National Guard, so I assume they have military contracts as well.

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