To err is human… to lie is trump. Even his lawyers embrace the lie. Of course his enabling Senators do. That and the addictive need to be reelected at any cost.
Just to set the record straight, Biden won the Electoral College 306 votes to 232 votes. Biden won the popular vote, 81,283,361 to 74,222,960. The margins of victory were 74 Electoral College votes and 7,060,401 voter ballots.
Biden won 56.8773% of the Electoral College votes and 52.2701% of the popular vote.
Who knows? Maybe Georgia and election tampering. Or Tish James nailing his whole family on tax fraud.
True, and I do love the numbers by which Joe Biden prevailed. So why do I keep coming back to that a change of sixty thousand votes, strategically placed in three states, would have changed the outcome?
Because it was too close for comfort.
If Pence had been hanged Trump would have gotten some short term gratification and a shiny new Veep who would do as he was told if he knew what was good for him. Win, win.
If Pence were hung maybe he wouldn’t be such a wimp.
As I understand it, acquittal means trump is free to run for the office of his choice. If 67 Senators should vote to convict then the only option left is banning from running or holding any office for life as trump is no longer president and therefore cannot be removed from office. For myself banning is not nearly enough punishment for how trump behaved in office. But then it isn’t up to me.
I remain hopeful that some sort of legal repercussions will be coming trump’s way. And I hope they are unavoidable and seriously substantial. That and I’d like to see his income, resorts, businesses and properties in the shitter.
Low level Republican election officials have shown far more courage than most of the Republican Senators.
Oops. But Trump has to get the VP pick through the House.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Unless a DoJ immunity memo gets in the way.
And one has existed since 1974.
Immunity only applies while a President is on office. Not only does conviction after impeachment remove a President from office but also the portion of the Constitution I cited makes it explicit that the convicted official can then be criminally tried.
They got nothing. This isn’t even grasping at straws because they don’t even have straws.
That’s Sinclair. They own multiple media outlets and control the messaging. The FCC should be investigating and imposing updated regulations for National Broadcast Networks.
No, it requires the conviction first. After all, you can’t levy a punishment if the defendant isn’t guilty.
If he is found guilty, then it only requires a simple majority to disqualify him from holding office. Which, would be child’s play to achieve after getting 2/3 of the Senate to vote for conviction.
Or rather, 2/3 of the Senate that are present for the vote. In theory, republicans could refuse to show up, allow Trump to get convicted by the Dems with a the small fraction of R-Senators (Romney, Sasse, etc.), without actually having to go on record for voting for the conviction.
But that’s a chickenshit way out of it and we all know that Repubs aren’t chickenshit. Oh, wait, did I just type that?
An enterprising reporter ought to look into the backgrounds of these shysters. Are they desperate? Are they compromised? Are they connected?
He’d declare martial law and be president for life.
My crystal ball sees more lawsuits and disbarment proceedings in the future.
That idea is delusional. The military was not that far gone.