No way. It would flat-line. Trump lies as naturally as he breathes, without the slightest variation of parasympathetic nervous system and certainly no sympathetic response whatsoever.
Any elected official getting a letter from the Trump DOJ should take a page from the late James Bailey, legal counsel for the Cleveland Browns, and respond with, "Attached is a letter that we received on [insert date]. I feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters,
I really wish these lying liars would buy a dictionary. All this insisting DAMMIT that they believe in freedom of speech and transparency evidently don’t understand what they mean.
Start disbarment proceedings against the jerk. His activities and statements ever since at least January 6 sully the entire profession of attorney. And most, if not all, of Trump’s nominated and appointed attorneys have been doing the same, issuing illegal orders and making threats - which is also a violation of law. Bondi has been a prime example, but she’s only the most prominent one, and Bove is not far behind. Take away their licenses to practice law - since they’ve decided to not practice it anyway - and throw them all out on the street.
But Elon can be trusted to immediately report any hint of conflict of interest, amirite? That’s what they said, and why should anyone disbelieve Elon and Donald?