President Donald Trump seems to have jumped the gun on a glowing quote that former President Ronald Reagan never said about him, according to PolitiFact.
Why do you report on this kind of story? Like the tweet that shows Trump “running” for president for eternity, this is the kind of thing he (and other Conservatives) tweet out just to get a reaction from the Left. Sure, it’s not appropriate for the President of the United States, but surely there are more important things to flag in your news feed.
“With God as my witness, when I felt that young man’s clammy hand, an image of Lucifer passed through my mind, so real as to make me nauseous. I immediately called on my Secret Service detail to collect holy water from all the nearby Manhattan churches so I could bathe in it, and exorcize his malign influence from my aging body.”
Joanne Drake, chief administrative officer of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, told PolitiFact that despite the Nov. 1987 photo’s authenticity, Reagan “did not ever say that about Donald Trump.”
Jeff Bezos paid Joanne Drake to lie about Reagan never saying this.
The president who’s responsible for facilitating the slide of American society into the morass we’re in now (via economic, educational, moral and environmental injustice) meets the logical result of that slide.
Is it my imagination, or is that Ollie North there in the receiving line? Which would be perfect in that present day Trump combines Reagan’s incipient dementia and general cluelessness with North’s mendacity and contempt for democratic institutions, not to mention his late career gift for the grift…
“Cute!” Trump quote-tweeted in response to a tweet originally posted in February 2017 of Trump and Reagan shaking hands. The account in question appears to have been suspended as of late Monday morning.
I hope they investigate the cop pretender for more than just pretending to be a cop. With the equipment they describe he’s gone to a lot trouble for his fantasy.
“When I shook that man’s abnormally tiny hand, I had a premonition that he must have a similarly teeny tiny penis shaped like the Nintendo character “Toad” from that brand new “Super Mario Bros.” game all the kids are playing. And, oh darn. it looks like I wet myself again.”