President Trump took his repeated attack against “FBI lovers” Lisa Page and Peter Strzok to another level during a re-election rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania Tuesday night.
I have, at long last, achieved balance in my life. The calories saved due to my loss of appetite from Trump-related nausea almost exactly equal the extra calories due to my increased ethanol intake.
“Now that’s what I heard, I don’t know,” Trump said. “I mean, who could believe a thing like that? No, I heard Peter Strzok needed a restraining order to keep him away from his once lover. Lisa, I hope you miss him. Lisa, he will never be the same.”
This begs the question - has someone taken out a restraining order against TRUMP?
She needs to SUE Donald J. Trump for Libel and Slander.
Being that it will be a CIVIL case, he has no protections from being deposed as the SCOTUS ruled that sitting Presidents CAN be compelled to give depositions UNDER OATH in Civil Cases (thanks to the Clinton case.)
Discovery would be…interesting, and his lawyers would commit suicide rather than let Trump be deposed under oath about ANYTHING as he is a compulsive liar.
She needs an attorney with experience in defamation law to explain to her what it means to be a public official and a limited-purpose public figure, as well as the scope of discovery when a plaintiff puts her public reputation at issue in a lawsuit.
So at these " I need some love fests" that Trump holds does he ever mention anything about policy? Any goals for the coming year? Because if all he is doing as a lame ass stand up routine then Trump’s campaign needs to pay for these trips. They need to cough over the money for security, airplane fuel, and again I hope someone is keeping track on how much all thee “I need some love fests” cost the municipalities that hold these shit shows.
His obsession with the sex life of these two reminds me of how donnie used to jabber about the women who were “bound and gagged with duct tape” by sex traffickers at the border.
One more reason trump should lose Pennsylvania…love the pigeons in the back ground in there uniforms of ironed crisp trump pence 2020 shirts and each holding their signs as if they were coached…Doenst sound like his babbling is getting the reaction it did before…
Why is his rally in Hershey Pennsylvania? I always thought that it was a nice town and the Hershey family has a long history in engaging in numerous charitable causes.
Trump deserves to end up in the chocolate vat like Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the chocolate factory.