Trump Pledges To Nominate A Woman Next Week To Fill Ginsburg Seat | Talking Points Memo

Cruz was just on arguing that the GOP has to nominate somebody with a track record of making nut case decisions.because too many GOP nominees have moved left on the Court. Moving left is what happens when you get out of your bubble.


After the the Debate who Trump selects will take on a different meaning. Gone, albeit temporarily, will be the angst over the SCOTUS selection.

In its place will be the horror seeing a man as damaged as Trump actually debating to resume being President of the United States.

That is nine days from today.


No matter what the trumper does, it will be WRONG!
Apparently that is all he knows to do .
It seems to me the son-in-law is so far deep in his head he cannot think for himself’.
I mean look at how well their Covid responce went!


It may be a forgone conclusion. There are at least 3 GOP’er senators that are likely to break with Mitch. That makes the field 50/50 leaving Pence to do the dirty deed. But if Kelly wins in AZ he’ll be seated sometime in November. That makes it 49 for the GOP.

Mitch McConnell is not going to take the risk of a vote after the 3 week in November. It’s a long shot but he could fail to get 50 votes after Kelly is seated. As things stand right now Mitch wins if the vote takes place before AZ places its new senator. He’ll do that. I’ll bet the nominee is announced early this coming week and the process starts immediately.


He says he’ll nominate a woman and there is only one woman who is always on his mind.


Transactional Politics, We Hardly Knew Ye

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Well, Trump is notorious for nominating people with very poor vetting. There’s a big risk running quickly with Trump’s nominee. We could find out in a matter of days that there are serious disqualifying factors. The calculation is not so easy for Mitch


They’ve been cultivating nerve for 50 years. It’s harvest time now.


HA…HA…HA…That is funny stuff!

And wildly deluded if they think that “suburban women” are so slow-witted, they’ll jump on the Trump Train the second he nominates some female wingnut.


This whole shit has got me down some.

But heard this song this morning and the words felt appropriate for how we should be looking at this.

Or you can ask Willie instead…


I’m sure there is a major GOP effort underway right now to make sure whoever the idiot nominates is exactly who they want it to be. They’ll have all the Donald-whisperers working in shifts.


But how will they work around Trump’s number one criterion, to wit, that the nominee be “do-able?”


When I saw Superman II, it confirmed (with the Fortress of Solitide switcheroo at the end) that good guys can scheme…and maybe the Senate Dems have a few cards to play.

In any event, we would be the last to know of them or about them.

Cory Booker seemed to infer this when he talked to Maddow last Friday.


It’s freedom of religion-to tear down the wall of separation.

" To Nominate A Woman" Meaning ? That’s insulting in my opinion.Like women are a monolith in their thinking.

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was a woman.
Suzanne Basso, 59, of Texas was a woman
Helen Golay, 78, formerly of Santa Monica, California was a woman
Olga Rutterschmidt, 75, formerly of Hollywood, California was a woman
You get my drift ?

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“I would assume it would make everyone more energized,” Fischetti said of the political repercussions. “Trump’s people want him to always press forward.”

I’m not sure if it would make me feel better, but I’d love to know how old this guy is. Trump is not pressing forward, he’s retreating into the days of old.


Sounds like the movie RELIC.

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My father was a Drill Sergeant and he was afraid of my momma!


Ramping deaths up to to 200,000+…

That’s some pressing forward.