Trump Plays Doctor, Hyping Anti-Malaria Drug For COVID-19 Treatment | Talking Points Memo

His approval rating was around -10 before this morning, so it had already been trending negative for a few weeks. There is an understandable holding pattern in a crisis, but no, the American people do not like or trust this guy and that is extending to more and more Republicans.


He is not a doctor but he did sleep with a porn star last night.


I was flipping through the channels, specifically trying to avoid Disaster Donnie, when he belched out about how he “inherited” a failing system for handling a pandemic.



At this point, I’d be happy if he just played a real president … instead of a self-aggrandizing, ignorant, incompetent, dangerous buffoon.


Show of hands: Which poses the greatest risk to us, Covid-19 or Trump’s ignorance?


Does 40+ years teaching medical students and doing medical research count in having a medical opinion? That was my career in a medical school. And no I am not an MD but I am a PhD.


JFC, why isn’t the media calling Disaster Donnie out on every flipping lie he utters?


Those polls in Ms Cabrera’s column showing people were approving or split on his handling of the virus were so disturbing. Thanks for posting this all round approve/disapprove poll.

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And the Republicans see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing. They are all beyond evil.


Research and experience in Korea and China support the theory that Chloroquine improves cell wall permeability to zinc ions and zinc ions in turn inhibit replication of viral RNA but that mainly seemed to assist patients with mild or moderate symptoms and there have been no clinical trials (understandable at this point). Unclear if the therapy would help those with severe symptoms.

Trump the Idiot garbled and misrepresented as usual but was not completely off base for a change. I’ll see if I can find a link to the research.

ETA: Could not find direct link to the research but this video presentation discusses Chloroquine-Zinc anti-viral therapy and provides a simplified illustrated guide to its mechanism that folks may find informative: Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo. Seems pretty clear this is not a ‘magic bullet’ but it’s not a placebo either.


I was partial to Joe Gannon myself.


I would like to get the link

Then I’m surprised that you so quickly conclude Chloroquin isn’t a choice for COVID. Given how its mechanism of action works, and I would expect you to then have some familiarity with it given what you claim, then it’s not surprising that it has a positive effect on the inflammatory changes occurring in the pleural parenchyma (ie. the thing killing people wiht COVID). This, of course, while not taking into consideration the new evidence-based data on HCQ efficacy against COVID+ patients which is readily available. Surly you give more effort to training those young doctors-to-be than you do to your assessment on this matter.


"We have nothing to lose.”

Because Trump and the GOP destroyed it all before the virus was even a thing.


I do not know how to embed the video. Just go check this out at her tweet feed.


The problem is, he’s not playing a role with that one. That’s who he really is.


Plasmodium facipalmum?


Except lives, of course.


“I’m not being overly optimistic or pessimistic,” Trump added. “I sure as hell think we ought to give it a try. There’s been some interesting things happening and some very good things. Let’s see what happens. We have nothing to lose.”

“You know the expression: What the hell do you have to lose?”

The very reason we’re in this crisis is because of politicians ignoring established science and good practices. So we’re going to fix the problem by…ignoring established science and clinical judgment?

Sorry, but with a novel virus -while everything should be on the table -it takes time for vaccine development and treatments to come to fruition. The Coronavirus apologizes if it’s interfering with Trump’s November plans.

Unfortunately, scienctific discoveries take time. It’s not at all like conjuring wine from water.


“I am a man that comes from a very positive school when it comes to, in particular, one of these drugs."

I’d definitely come from a more positive school right now if we had a president who could finish the sentence they started and understood that the Power of Positive Thinking can’t fix real problems.

Trump’s supporters mocked Obama and Biden because they think out loud when they speak off script, while Trump doesn’t know what he’s going to say until after he’s said it and just strings together phrases in hopes that we can figure out his point.