Trump Plays Doctor, Hyping Anti-Malaria Drug For COVID-19 Treatment | Talking Points Memo

President Donald Trump is a clinical scientist — or at least he plays one on TV.

At a press conference on the COVID-19 pandemic Friday, Trump said he was feeling pretty good about one potential therapy for the respiratory disease, the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine.

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Here we go again.
Protozoa that cause malaria are not viruses. I hope the drug works but the chances are slim to none.


He’s not a president, he just plays one on TV.


Every day now. Every day we’ll see his new reality show. Because he’s a smart guy.


Donnie to news media: Pay no attention to the medical experts behind the curtain!


And 401k’s and stocks will tank


This is the same way he sold his fake condos. Glossy brochure with promises of a great future. Only problem, they didn’t exist.

If this drug, or any other, is helpful it will not be due to Don the Con.


it’s astounding that anyone could hear this ‘man’ talk and conclude he’s an honest person. But then again, if you’re a republican, fact and reality aren’t reliable enough to grasp.


People are dying and a Snake Oil Grifter is POTUS.

I applaud Alexander. He may have saved lives of people otherwise putting their stock in Trump.


We have all seen what covid-19 looks like…a ball with spikes. Here is the critter that the cloroquine drugs work on.


It’s not a virus. It’s a single cell critter way different.
That is Plasmodium falciparum in the image. It causes malaria.


Actually, as I’m surrounded by doctors all day and night, the data is promising and supplies are dwindling because of said data. Also, in general, infectious disease is properly complicated enough that what one would consider ‘common sense’ doesn’t apply here. It’s the nature of antigens, after all.


I don’t agree with Trump on anything, but I agree on this.
HCQ has shown incredible results. What do we have to lose?
Look it up. There is a peer reviewed study from this month.
And lives were saved in China, SK and the US already with HCQ.
It’s been in use since 1924. Easy to produce and cheap.

And to those saying malaria is not a virus etc you are as ignorant and ill informed as POTUS. HCQ is In Widespread use for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus aside from malaria.

I understand the knee jerk reaction to anything he says, and I don’t believe he’s a smart guy, but I believe using HCQ couldn’t hurt. And will save more lives


Just thought I’d offer up an image and my thoughts.


“Dr. Fauci said there is no magic drug for coronavirus right now, which you would agree?” NBC’s Peter Alexander pressed Trump.

“Well, I think we only disagree a little bit,” Trump responded. “Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t.”

The President soldiered on. “I feel good about it,” he said. “That’s all it is, just a feeling. I’m a smart guy.”

Best advice this out of his element former fake wrestling guy might follow is to just shut the f’k up and hide in the White House basement.


What a disaster presser!

ARG, admittedly not a great pollster, might the canary in the coal mine as they have Trump approval at 36% with over 60% disapproval.


and who to believe - the orange slob or Dr. Fauci?


As one who has had malaria and taken that very drug. I am in this personally. And it is regrettable you think me ignorant. I am not. I did medical research for over 40 years and what I am working with here are probabilities, not guesses or hunches. You have certainly seen images of covid-19. Look at the image of the bug that causes malaria. Does that look like a virus to you. The bichemistry of these two bug is different… they are not related


Good lord what a difference from the polling numbers at a different TPM thread today. These numbers look more like I would expect to see.


I’d go with Marcus Welby Md or Doc Martin before I believe anything bloatus tells me.


You know how experts are aware of the nuances and pitfalls of just assuming things are the way they seem? It’s the same for any expert: lawyers, mechanics, doctors, engineers, athletes, etc. I don’t blame you for having an opinion and wanting to share it…right now expressing your medical opinion without having adequate medical training, though, is probably irresponsible. Something worth considering for all of us given the scary times we’re sharing.