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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
The Biden campaign should probably purchase some ad time for that very purpose.
During the Republican convention too. It will drive him insane.
“George W Bush lied America into a disastrous war in Iraq”, Donald Trump 2/13/2016 and repeated many times since.
Expecting Republicans, especially Republicans like Bush and Cheney whose stole one election and were so terrible at governance they destroyed any policy reason for the Republican Party to exist to save America and the world from Donald Trump is ridiculous on its face.
I mean short of overthrowing the Government through force and violence, modern day Republicans have had a single goal for over 20 years, POWER. To expect those whose lies, crimes and incompetence lead to Donald Trump to now save us from Donald Trump is like expecting Jack the Ripper to be the savior of women.
The Biden campaign should purchase EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK.
For how many commercial spots, create new ads for each break. Have the ads paint a narrative arc throughout the debate that paints Trump as a despotic lunatic, among other nice things.
Would love to see them undermining DJT’s (completely predictable) rhetorical moves in ads. “When he says ____, remember he also said ____.” That sort of thing.
Or keep featuring quotes from his former staffers who’ve since said horrible things about him.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I expect tepid responses from the banished conservatives of old. They’re what got us here.
Expecting a Republican to do the right thing is like expecting a cat to do the right thing, but at least the cat purrs.
I’m wondering of some of these endorsements wouldn’t hurt more than help. Do we really want a Liz Cheney endorsement of Biden? She backed every one of Trump’s policies until he threatened her life on J6, including his worst immigration policies. She has some detestable positions, like being in favor of waterboarding captured combatants.
Just wondering if that would backfire with some Biden supporters on the far left. And I doubt she’d swing many R votes to Biden. She no longer has a constituency.
ETA: Same deal with a GW Bush endorsement of Biden. Does that really help?
This was my thought as well. If they won’t do it personally, there are a lot of quotes out there.
Run them on Fox?
The Trump MAGA Party doesn’t tolerate any dissent from Dear Leader. They won’t ask the CONVICTED FELON to withdraw under any circumstance.
Oh, there will be a handful of unelected apostates who will denounce Trump but that’s it.
A cult doesn’t disavow a leader until he’s a proven failure or dead. Or both.
“Expecting a Republican to do the right thing is like expecting a cat to do the right thing, but at least the cat purrs.”
Quite so. “They all can and should” endorse Biden, writes the author. And my cat can and should stay off the kitchen table. But it won’t.
Oh, and the GOP senators just voted against a vote to enshrine contraception. “Show vote” they screech - the same party that hauls in Fauci, a goddamn HERO in 20th medicine, to testify.
Gotta make time for the old men to take their frequent pee breaks.
Comment from a thread referencing the vote.
There is the control factor that has been noted. Why they want that control over conception and birth is unclear. Religious grounds really are not adequate though it is used as the fig leaf to hide the reality. With so many of the actions the Republicans have performed, while they are surrogates for Trump, I think under the skin they are all simply perverse sadists. That is the hard fact to swallow. There are so many of them, psychopaths, performing what is really slow motion violence on people.
It is the power to create suffering that is their drug of choice. They get off on it like some people get off on porn and they can’t quit it. They have to do it and start getting that itch if they don’t. We need to put these people in a situation where they cannot hurt people anymore.
It’s a mute point, Trump is not going to show up, period!
tl;dr: We need leading Republicans to put country before party.
(For once.)
I got the first ad they can run here:
trump will show up. He needs to dominate Sleepy Joe. What’s more questionable is whether trump will show at the second debate after getting his ass handed to him in the first.
It’s bad enough they’re monetizing it and interrupting it this way already. I’d rather the advertising not actually become PART of the debate…no matter how fittingly symbolic that would be of the absurdist avarice oubliette the Zombie Fourth Estate has fallen into.