The “permanently” part is what McConnell doesn’t like. Even employees for example get four weeks of sick leave (if they are diagnosed - I assume the typical rules) and then the period the law is in effect ends they just might think that they should have sick leave all the time, as mandated in all those other countries and all government employees get.
I read a couple conservative web site articles about what the package was supposedly asking for it it was the same non-specific lack of any details claims as Donald here… Granted pretty much the way all Donald’s answers are.
Neither of them is (yet) in a national office. They both gave excellent responses to this crisis the other night, but neither is obliged to say a word. Let the Orange Menace continue to insert his foot in his mouth and show the world how completely unqualified and disinterested he actually is. Then vote his sorry ass out next November.
This is not about the D’s giving the R’s something they want. This is about the federal government giving American citizens what they deserve from their government: protection of public health. You could explain that to the great dealmaker a hundred times in words of one syllable, and he’d still view this as the same thing as haggling with the Department of City Planning over how many stories his new building can be.
SOB is incapable of viewing the world in any other way.
You know that the response to Biden’s speech (and Sanders’ speech as well) just had to piss him off. Now he will never agree to implement anything that can be plausibly linked to either one of them. Grand.
the house dems gave him impeachment and that’s unforgivable.
Politics will kill us all.
Read recently that it appears AOC will become the scapegoat for the Bernie debacle this time. They are trying to say she refused almost a hundred requests to appear with Bernie. That they needed to beg for the couple she did make. Conviently forgetting the multiple appearances she made after the heart attack as his standin. Never satisfied.
TN yesterday 16 confirmed, today 26 more. IT’S HERE and all I hear from the dumb shits is March Madness was cancelled.
Pelosi has already made McConnell look pretty sad by negotiating directly with the Administration while McConnell gave himself and the Senate a three-day weekend.
I just heard on MSNBC that the Republicans are waiting for a Trump tweet before the legislative package will be voted by Congress. So we now have a government by tweet. Maybe if Tweeter lets all of their employee off for the duration of the emergency than the doctors can just get it done, without Trump stupid statements.
McConnell wants to give the country an injection of Pence-cillan.
Everything is an infantile “bargain” for this fuck. Banish the thought that this is a time to compromise and help all Americans.
Gah! He’s such a piece of human waste.
Trump just sent a tweet, its a go.
The tweet came.
I agree, it is a stupid way to run a government.
Everything has to be a negotiation even in a crisis he has to have some pro quo.
The Dems will also have the burden of appropriating enough so that there’ll be something left for dealing with the coronavirus even after Trump diverts half of it to the wall.
Hey now that is special antiviral steel. Why just touch it and you are cured of whatever. That is as long as you are the right color.
Word I heard is the Republicans are the ones asking for too much. I heard they are/were insisting on anti-abortion funding language because they “fear” that medical facilities might divert some funds to abortions of virus-ridden pregnant women.