Trump Noncommittal On Legislative Package For Coronavirus, Says Dems Aren’t ‘Giving Enough’ | Talking Points Memo

Here’s a current map with the rarely report recovery number included:

I know that the polling in FL has Sanders DOA.

And I really believe that Sanders will not know what hit him in Sunday’s Debate.


Both Biden and Sanders gave speeches yesterday addressing the pandemic. Both were rational, sensible, and didn’t gratuitously blow shit up with no notice.

So, no news there. Nothing to report.


Trump should shut down the government to teach nervous Nancy who is the boss.

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maybe if the Dems put a sweetener in it for him, say like a billion $$ honorarium to the tRUmp org, a real estate developer tax break and mandatory golfing fees for each American, though the fees are for MAGAts to golf, libs are supposed to show up for work too

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No one.

They made normal Presidential speeches that, if actually implemented, would vastly decrease the sickness and fatality rate of the coronavirus. However,

  • Biden currently isn’t in the government
  • McConnell let the Senate go on weekend holiday during a crisis

There isn’t much they can do that isn’t already being done by the actually competent state governments.


They won’t agree to the pork for his cronies. Trump sees everything as an opportunity to avail himself and his friends of the US treasure. This is no different.

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I agree: #TrumpVirus owns the #Pencedemic.

Now tell me how you really feel. LOL

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And the republicans in the Senate own everything trump does until he’s removed from office. They enabled this asshole. He’s theirs. And we’re going to hang that around their necks in the lead-up to November 3. Every last one of them.
Those not up for reelection this cycle think we’ll forget their lack of courage in 2 years. They’re mistaken.
Hear that Pat Toomey? You’re fucking toast. There is NOTHING you can do to redeem yourself in the time you have left.


Dems Beware…
Give in to trumpian whims and you will still be blamed!
Stand strong for what is right and against the Criminal IMPeetus Bully!

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“I would like you to do us a favor, though…”


Another words we got to buy the SOB off, line his pockets, before he will agree to do anything to help anyone.


I think the corporate welfare expansion program and .01pct’er support polices are going well. Voter suppression’s going to roar back this fall, you wait and see. To say nothing of the famous ‘what Constitution?’ strategy. And so much more.

By GOP standards, this IS managing government.


While it’s tempting to co-sign, I have a feeling Pelosi is already maneuvering trump into something he won’t see coming. And she will own him. And it will be glorious.


You really have to wonder if this crap is gonna play once the GOP base starts experiencing the pandemic firsthand.


Lest we ever forget:

“I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.”

-Grover Norquis


You mean when the Rethugliklan base becomes ill and befuddled, and then dies?

“Life’s a beach … and then you drown.”
— Carmine Conti


I think they’ve got ill and befuddled covered already.


McConnell will read it though.


I meant physically ill.

Frankly, I’m in no mood to discuss the intelligence levels or mental acuities of The White Potbellied Goobers of Alabama. I’m having furnace issues.

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