President Donald Trump ramped up his sustained attacks against Democratic mayors on Wednesday night by moving to cut federal funding from their cities, stating that he “will not allow federal tax dollars to fund cities that allow themselves to deteriorate into lawless zones.”
“Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients That Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities,”
I’d like to see a review of funding that is going to the Federal government that is blatantly pursuing a GOP agenda. Not going to happen now, but I seriously hope it will happen when Biden wins.
He’s not even pretending to be President anymore. It’s now just an all-out war against anyone who does not love him, which is the majority of America. He’s using the office to wage war against America.
So the places in America that keep all the throwbacks fed should be cut from the funding they provide?
I don’t think there are Americans dumb enough to buy this crap, at least not enough to return him to the presidency.
Guys like Trump have to not go so far that the scam is obvious. He’s gently got us used to all manner of crap, but it’s starting to look like the facade is cracking.
Well then, those same blue cities should be able to keep all the federal taxes their citizens pay and use those dollars to fund their own programs … rather than those dollars being used to prop up red states.
That’s the bit that drives me nuts. They’ve been returning the same leaders for a 100 years and they’ve never done a good job. Now they’re using the money they get from the majority to fund their minority government, and buy themselves a few more Fed boondoggles, and a couple of new agencies stuffed with racists.
I think there’s a better than even chance if Trump is reelected the nation will experience some sort of civil war, or descend into other forms of violent social disintegration, finally culminating in some cataclysmic failure on such a grand scale it ceases to exist as we now know it.
Trump had been DERELICT of DUTY to protect WeThePeople during pandemic, Russian bounty killing and Russian/other foreign attack to our sovereignty/elections!
Note that the power of the purse is with Congress…
So this is all about projection for his base and empty threats!
I mean, speaking of shitholes that are poorly run… Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Alaska, Montana, both Dakotas, Kansas… why can’t they figure out how to run their states profitably. ya know… like a business? such weak leaders.
they only do it to make herr trump look bad.
learning isn’t compulsive… neither is survival.
It’s time to admit that our experiment has failed. We need to separate into several independent countries, perhaps having some form of common economic union. New York has no more in common with Tennessee than say Spain has with Slovenia.