Trump Media Quietly Enters Deal With a Republican Donor Who Could Benefit From a Second Trump Administration

Originally published at: Trump Media Quietly Enters Deal With a Republican Donor Who Could Benefit From a Second Trump Administration

This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. This month, former President Donald Trump’s media company announced it was making its first major purchase: technology to help stream TV on Truth Social, its Twitter-like…


Frist with the Cat


Trump’s nephew was on The View yesterday(?). That’s the nephew Trump screwed over who has just published a book.

He was asked his opinion on what happens if Donald loses. His answer was, “He’s not going anywhere.” Donald’s personal mission to crime behind fake esteem will continue.

I believe that’s the best guess.


It’s not a bribe, it’s a business deal, so the Supreme Court will find it completely legit that an unknown tech company was used to make Trump money.

Get ready for a lot more of this if Trump wins…everyone in the administration will be looking to extract the maximum value they can from their jobs. It will be a level of corruption unseen in America in a century or more, and they will have huge incentive to keep it going regardless of the will of the voters or how it damages the nation. It’s always about the money with these people.


What a surprise it is to learn that once again every endeavor undertaken by the Mayor of Mal-de-Lardo filters through amoral billionaires and ultimately ends with some sort of ties to Russia.


The Trump Media spokesperson said that the company had done “extensive beta testing and due diligence” for the deal.

Indeed. They invested a substantial part of a scaramucci ensuring everything was on the up and up with this deal, although most of that was spent talking to Melanoma’s hair dresser about the technological bona fides of the Slovenian company.


Fritz the Cat?


“Trump’s media company announced it was making its first major purchase: technology to help stream TV on Truth Social and expects to pay up to 5.1 million shares of stock — about $150 million at current market value — plus $17.5 million in cash.”

For a company that does not make money, it sure is spending a lot.


Well, there you have it, all the hallmarks, yes siree, of a business deal on the tRump and tRump, helm in the acquisitive hands of the captains of the shell game–with the deal’s “nesting doll of companies,” core technical providers unknown to industry experts (stagnant website swiftly taken down following the unanswered Pro Publica inquiry), and functionaries with a history as “serial entrepreneurs” in “a dizzying array of businesses.”


Ethics guidelines? Nothing he ever worries about. He has zero ethics in the first place.


8 years ago, it was the Trump International hotel where anyone wanting to curry favor was required to stay at and spend a lot of money.
Now it’s for his worthless website that, despite no revenues, is worth billions.


This ProPublica story reads like a work of international business crime fiction, but it’s not, it’s all true.

Shadowy shell companies doing major business deals with Trump, WHILE he is running for the most powerful elected office in the world? All business deals Trump is involved with while he is running for / (god forbid) as president, must come under intense legal scrutiny immediately because they are most likely skirting or outright breaking US or other laws.


Looks like the Convict is pretty sure he’ll win.

Not only escape a life in Leavenworth, which has a shitty concrete prison golf course, but be the benefactor of a grift unlike anything the world has seen before.

The most beautiful grift


If a presidential debate actually happens , Kamala needs to be ready to pivot any question remotely tangential to business, taxes, corruption, etc to the obvious bribery, emoluments, pay to play etc trumps truth social poses and ask him if he will sever ties with it in to avoid conflict of interest. Trump will not have any kind of good answer for this and evasion or obfuscation will further harm his candidacy.


Who is gonna do anything about it pilgrim? The SUPreme Court!



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Speaking of tv, I just saw Team USA at the Olympics performing physical feats Donald can’t even imagine.

Somebody should inform him that the United States is not a shithole country in decline. Tell Trump to love it or leave it.

Vote USA. Vote Democratic.

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Grifters gotta grift and end-stage capitalists gotta plunder. It could be charitably thought of as lemon socialism if anything genuinely useful to anybody but the owners was produced but, as it is, unadulterated parasitism is pretty much what it is …except it’s legal and laudable cuz they’re smart and special doncha know.

The Grift that keeps on grifting.


Snidely Whiplash to the rescue.

If a debate comes off, Harris will have the proper skill set: prosecutor.