President Trump has been growing increasingly agitated with the network that he apparently feels should function as his personal mouthpiece.
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President Trump has been growing increasingly agitated with the network that he apparently feels should function as his personal mouthpiece.
So, Mangolini, it only took you 10 or 12 years to find out that FuxSnooze was full of shit.
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“Donald Trump walks hypnotically toward the voices in his head.”
Think what you want, dumb dumb, and please blame the messenger. All will be revealed next November.
President Trump has been growing increasingly agitated with the network that he apparently feels should function as his personal mouthpiece.
In my experience, Chiselin’ Trump usually talks out of his ass.
Well, Fox did exchange blood and swear Omertà, so Trump kind of has a point. I look forward to Fox being placed anonymously in a witness protection program. May we never hear from them again.
More seriously, we all know Trump has no loyalty to anyone, only to himself. Even Roger Ailes knew not to get too close to Trump as he’d attempt a hostile takeover at some point. After all, they’re fighting for the same audience.
It’s ironic that the one thing about Fox that has integrity -it’s polling -is what’s causing Trump great discomfiture.
I suppose they have three options. Continue on and risk Trump’s wrath in the process. “Rasmussen” up their polls to assuage Trump, but lose credibility in their well-regarded polling, or to just stop polling the Presidential race and lose the PR value or any other benefits gained from polling.
I guess it’s too much to ask of Aged Orange to understand that the mainstream polls he constantly denigrates were right in 2016, in that the popular vote margin was within their margin of error.
Other good polls also in fifties, despite only Fake News, and then phony polls by A.P., CNN, NBC and, as always, Fox, who were WAY OFF on 2016 Election!
Obviously, he is talking about the Trump poll, where he asks his cabinet members to vote. (A little less than half of them are clearly going to get a stern talking to later, once he figures out who they are.)
Remember, national approval polls are “fake news” … unless said poll is favorable to Donnie and his dysfunctional cadre of White House clowns, in which case the poll should be heralded as proof that the Trump Administration is the best in the history of the nation.
those polls in which one can vote fifty quadmillion billion times shouldn’t count…though…nah.
Trump approval @ 28%, Generic Democrat @ 91%, Undecided @ 1.5%, margin of error ± .001%
(Okay I made that up. Thought it was only fair seeing as how Trump pulls this stuff out of his backside)
Once again Donnie is late to the garden party, aka reality.
He can’t remember who 49% of them are.
“Other good polls”, which of course shall remain conveniently nameless…
But maybe he’s joking? We know he likes to joke a lot. That’s what he keeps telling us.
I can’t believe he spelled “poll” correctly