After their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in support of former President Trump failed, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) are now pivoting to a new battle in the culture wars, getting in on the fight over the legal guardianship of pop icon Britney Spears.
After their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in support of former President Trump failed, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) are now pivoting to a new battle in the culture wars, getting in on the fight over the legal guardianship of pop icon Britney Spears.
Whatsa matter, fellas? The Dr. Seuss thing not getting any traction?
The courts are already very selective in granting guardianship to another party. Unless the individual really needs someone to have that kind of decision making power, it usually isn’t granted. It’s a lot easier to be made power of attorney for medical and financial matters, so there isn’t a lot of reason to need to be a guardian to take advantage of someone. I know nothing about Britney Spears’ situation, but the laws around this, at least in MD, are pretty much on the individual’s side if they are able to do much of anything for themselves.
Todays young people don’t know who Dr. Seuss is, and they probably don’t know who Britney Spears is either, she was famous like last millennium, before my daughters were even born, it’s been al tabloid crap since then.
Is this the only thing Gym-boy and DUI Gaetz can think of to do? Is what their constituents elected them to do, to waste taxpayers money? What a waste of Congressional time and space this is! I note in the picture, the place where these two embarrassments are seated is that of Mr. Buck. How appropriate, that the buck has ended up with these two dullards.
So they’re doubling down on the culture bullshit? THIS is their political strategy? I mean, it’s astoundingly stupid. I’d love to see them in a debate with a Democratic opponent. Unfuckingreal
This is going to tie into Q shit. Britney has been seen as an “illuminati slave” under mind control by The (satanic) Elites for decades. Google “Britney Spears MK ultra slave project monarch” or something similar. It’s a very deep rabbit hole.