President Trump failed to convince the full D.C. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review a decision upholding a congressional subpoena of his tax returns, setting the stage for a potential Supreme Court showdown over the issue.
“The three appellate judges who would have reviewed the cased were all Republican appointees, and two of them were Trump appointees who previously worked in the Trump administration.”
Rao. Mark my words: she is eventually going to get her hands on a case that falls in the category of being a dream come true for her, and she will promptly issue one of, if not THE, single most batshit, ideologically asinine opinions ever to come out of the DC Circuit and it will be a disaster. She is perhaps the most activist judge in the country right now and that’s saying something given the crowded field of shitheads in TX.
what I find most interesting about these stories is the emphasis on Trump’s tax returns – which played almost no role in the original reporting of the Mazars case.
And if the Mazars documents do include tax returns, the Supreme Court may wind up getting involved, because then the Mazars case becomes an end run around the part of the tax code that only allows the House Ways and Means Chair to access individual tax returns. Indeed, the district court decision doesn’t treat – or even mention, income tax returns.
SCOTUS would be wise not to touch this case, especially since Roberts will be presiding over an eviction trial of a deadbeat President very shortly, not to mention the terrible precedent they would set if they agree with Trump’s position here.
Put Katsas in that category too. Both are vying for Trump’s attention with their dissents. Ginsburg is unwell again. Things could get very dicey–and our lead strategist and fighter in the Senate will be…Schumer.
OT - RBG out yesterday with “stomach virus”. You know McTurtle’s one-year “let the voters decide” rule will mysteriously evaporate should the worst happen.
Hard to say, so I’ll admit I’m guessing, but I see two ways this might go. I start from the premise that Uncle Tom, Rapeypants, Stolenseat and Captain Dark Money will definitely want their hands all over this, not just because they’ll want to issue an opinion they think will help the GOP and will further the ideological goal of eviscerating Congressional checks and balances power, but because they will understand that delay delay delay is one of the only defense strategies left for the GOP and Trump at this point. That leaves it to Chief Justice White Privilege, and you might as well flip a coin on that at this point. $0.02
The Trump Crime Syndicate has allies on the Supreme Court and every time Trump loses in a lower court, it’ll be appealed all the way to the top. If the SC refuses to hear the appeal, it’ll be a shock to the Orange Fecal Bolus who believes that Justices he appoints work for HIM and are obligated to rule in his favor every time. He really believes that.