In a 90-minute, off-the-walls press conference Thursday, three attorneys for the Trump campaign used a tactic that former Trump campaign chairman Steve Bannon once called “flooding the zone with shit,” throwing wild accusations at the wall and hectoring the media for not amplifying their nonsense even more.
He’s goT eviDence snD He caNNot shoW you becaUSe thE courtS don’t like shaRing evidencE. It wiLL be under seaL and NoBody wiLL ever see IT. But it does Exist.
Let’s cut to the chase. The GOP message is that the election was rigged because Black people got to vote, or their votes were counted as full votes and not as 3/5 of a vote.
Thought experiment: Trump wins the electoral college somehow, despite the current vote tally being 79,585,592 votes for Biden and 73,647,168 votes for Trump, a difference of 5,938,424 votes. How does he govern, given that there are at present 257,247 U.S. covid deaths, that he has tried so hard to suppress the vote in major metropolitan areas, and that he as acted like the worlds largest boob for lo these many years?
At one point Rudy claimed the conspiracy was centralized going all the way to the top and implied Biden must be in charge and calling the shots.
Then, soon after, the entire team laughed at the thought of Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s secretary of state’s credibility, nodding in agreement as Rudy requested journalists to “follow the money.”
At that point it stopped being entertainment for me and the outrage took over.
I find it fascinating that that specific ratio, .75 vote for Trump, 1.25 vote for Biden, works out mathematically to 3:5. Seems familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
If they want to talk about how much votes count in relation to others, can we talk about how a vote in Montana is worth several times more than my vote in Massachusetts?