President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Sunday morning to rail against “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen” and “the worst, most corrupt and inept” countries they come from.
Trump is just stirring the pot. He can see the divisions and he is working at exploiting them. Democrats need to stick together. All of them. They can save their purity wars for a time when Trump is replaced by a President with a D behind him or her name and Mitch McConnell is no longer running the US Senate like it was his own personal kingdom. And that goes for both progressives and moderates. Stop the obnoxious tweeting.
Last I checked, AOC was born in NYC. So in calling PR [which is of course part of the US] the “worst most corrupt and inept” country he knows, Trump is projecting at his best. Why does he hate the USA?
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly…
Sounds a bit like the US right now, but of course, he doesn’t recognize that.
Wonder if Pelosi will speak out in defense of the House members who Trump attacked. Silence on her part will carry with it the presumption that she agrees with Trump.
This seems to be an escalation that, for all his incoherence and sheer wackiness, is un-Trumpian. Something is up. About to lose the oversight lawsuit? Jeffrey Epstein? Something.
I don’t know why anyone is surprised by any of this, either from him or from his supporters. They’ve shown us who they are. Why give this any air at all? It’s just another day at the office.
The president of the United States is tweeting this shit. What the FUCK is this man unleashing? What will this country be like for young people if he’s reelected? More shootings at synagogues, schools, and government buildings? Meh, if it gets him another four years, who cares. Entire GOP shrugs. Open season on libs.