Trump Issues Tweet-Like Statement From White House Calling For ‘NO Violence’ | Talking Points Memo

He can go on TV anytime he wants, and the Twitter POTUS account is still active. I’m sure this would’ve been allowed to be posted there. However, Trump’s ongoing temper tantrum probably precluded that.

Loved the Lordy!

Go have a 2-hour seizure motherfucker.

I’m sure “NO” in this case was code for Nominal Orderly. Hence, Nominal Orderly violence, law-breaking, vandalism, etc…He was simply providing instructions to his faithful.

Time: Running Out

“I wish to emphasize that our armed forces in Poland have been instructed to conduct the invasion without any violence.”

“Now watch this drive.”

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For sure, the Qanon gang will think there’s a NO = YES code being used there. Trump speaks to them in these secret self-cancelling key words and portents. No is yes, up is down, and Trump has a secret plan that’s working perfectly. He has us liberal pedophiles and Republican traitors just where he wants us.


It’s too late for Trump to take away the violence he’s unleashed. His worshipers will turn on him…it is now out-of-his-hands. The GOP unleashed their monster…now, trump has unleashed his.

One can only hope

Is it (genuine question)? I thought they suspended it when fuckface tried using it to spew more bullshit after banning his personal account.

They deleted his tweets because he tried to repeat post there after his ban, but the page itself is still up. Maybe they locked it on him, but I would hazard to guess if the WH submitted a post like this in advance they’d allow it to go up.

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Why no, this is not the case at all, can’t you see, finally, after a learning curve, THE PIVOT has arrived?

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Oh, but you know, nobody talks about “the pivot” any more. No, this sort of thing is greeted with cries of “new tone” and so forth nowadays. I suppose they’d better take note of that while opportunities remain. :roll_eyes:

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He sure could. Don’t think anyone needs two guesses as to why that’s not happening.


Yes, the @POTUS account will remain open, transferred to Biden upon inauguration.

When trump’s personal account was shut down, he tried to post false and incendiary tweets on the @POTUS account, but twitter deleted those posts.

So, he could post legitimately presidential posts on @POTUS. So far, he hasn’t.

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Well, that all but guarantees violence. If he’d wanted to curtail the possibility of violence he’d have conceded AND admitted the effort to undo the election had been built on lies.

I prefer the MAGA BLOKS version.


“The violence I don’t want is exactly the kind of thing that happens when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. The Democrats are taking a big risk with their impeachment Witch Hunt! People could get hurt! But that’s not what I’m about. I want NO violence of the sort that I eagerly enjoyed for several hours last Wednesday until my people persuaded me to half-disavow it.”

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As we say nowadays that “all but” is doing a lot of work there. You’ve got 20,000 National Guard in the capital. Any ragtag group of wannabe revolutionaries will have their work cut out for them.