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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
Caught !
“At issue is the fact that the Trump Organization wrote off a payment of $747,622 in consulting fees that just happened to match a $747,622 payment made the same year to a consulting company that Ivanka co-owned.”
“Rage Against Democracy” was the name of my Fascist Punk Metal Band.
Just do your, job, guys, even though the Whiner In the White House tries telling you how while not doing his own.
Ivanka needs to shut up and disappear from sight. Does she have the same problem with capable counsel that Daddy has?
I cannot tell you how much I would love seeing Ivanka in a smart little orange jumpsuit.
A: “I always use daddy’s lawyers…”
The story of this election is still being written. When it is done, we must carry forward the lessons learned this year, and not fall into the trap of returning the status quo.
The status quo has been relegated to ancient history. You might as well write the story of status quo comity on a scroll. We can get there again, eventually. The first phase in this process is firmly rebuking the obscene excesses of the past four years and the previous campaign. Some prison time for a select few individuals will certainly help.
I think it’s a family problem.
Which may leave NYS having to open a family wing for the clan and hangers-on at Dannemora.
It certainly won’t be designer style.
Even conservative columnist and Trump fan Matthew Walther wrote this:
His campaign insists in press conference after press conference that he really won by landslide, the same way that I and millions of other people in this state believe Michigan beat Ohio State in the infamous 2016 game, with a Big 10 championship and a playoff bid on the line.
Unlike the fake news spot, which has been criticized by actual physicists, the results of the presidential election in Michigan are being dismissed on the basis of a handful of affidavits, some speculative mathematical analysis, and a conspiracy involving “communist money through Venezuela and Cuba.” This isn’t a smoking gun. It isn’t even a wet water pistol. It is what Barack Obama called “the audacity of hope.”
Every once in a while I’ll read an article of his to get an opposing viewpoint because he’s not a total idiot. On some things he’s really partisan, but he can occasionally be somewhat objective
Although I doubt they would help much, Ivanka’s hair colorists clearly possess sharper skills than her father’s do. Rudy’s hair colorist is absolutely rubbish.
Trump is appearing more unhinged by the day. A new Pew Research Poll came out saying 62% believe Bidens conduct since Nov. 3rd has been excellent or good-31% said the same about Trump. With numbers like that you can see why some Republicans are trying to get Trump to SFU. Good luck with that.
Sounds like a headline for “The Enquirer”:
"Talking Inflatable Vinyl Sex Doll Has Public Meltdown!"
Rudy does his own hair, although he doesn’t use Clairol or L’Oreal. He uses Shinola, which he doesn’t know shit from.
“This is harassment pure and simple,” Ivanka complained. “This ‘inquiry’ by NYC democrats is 100% motivated by politics, publicity and rage. They know very well that there’s nothing here and that there was no tax benefit whatsoever. These politicians are simply ruthless.”
Yeah Ivanka, ruthless like you and your criminal father.
Whatever Trump thinks he is doing – from attempted coup to sadistic denigration – it is time to call him on it: the pot is made, cards dealt, and because Trump is what he is,
... he knows he’s in deep, multi-dimensional legal jeopardy & this defines his every action. We’re seeing 1) a tactical delay of the transition to buy time for coverup & evidence suppression 2) above all, a desperate endgame which is to create enough chaos & anxiety about peaceful transfer of power, & fear of irreparable damage to the system, that he can cut a Nixon-style deal in exchange for finally conceding. But he doesn’t have the cards ... Call.His.Bluff. – Ed Norton