Trump Is Considering Extra Funding To Help Schools Reopen, Says WH Adviser

Well since the death rates are dropping what’s going on with all the morgue trucks? Hey, they’re refrigerated!


Holy Shit! But sure, let’s open the schools!

I am estimating that the number of new infections right now (275,000 per day) is exceeding the level we’ve seen in March/April.

That means that 1 in every 90 Americans (1.1%) is currently infected (including asymptomatic individuals).

This may still be an underestimate.


I see the work of a so-patriotic four-star marine general that decided to give a drug-addict a pass, just to please dear leader…

White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly suggested that Larry Kudlow’s past substance-abuse wouldn’t complicate his path to a security clearance once he’s officially installed as President Donald Trump’s newest chief economic adviser.


Kudfuck needs a minute with Kaighleifhgyb so they can get their message straight. Just watched her lie for 20 minutes and she says opening the schools is all about the emotional health of the childrens.


I hate “considering” stories almost as much as “sir” stories.


He doesn’t have to do it. He just has to say it and now Fox and ONAN will report that he provided funds for reopening and if your child’s school claims not to have received it, they are lying and the funds went to the NEA to fund indoctrination programs.


“We’ll have it in two to three weeks; it’s unbelievable!”
“We’ll see what happens.”


This is the ready fire aim approach of Donald J. Trump. That Kudlow is out there saying things like American ingenuity and common sense is telling. They have no idea what it will take to open schools safely. I will say this again -if opening schools is key to restarting sectors of the now closed economy, that should’ve been the priority. Instead the administration focused on opening bars, restaurants, churches, and revving up Trump rallies. None have anything to do with opening schools and daycares safely.


The economic returns of this game of virus roulette are flatlined. Oh well. Let’s play virus roulette with children!


Still not too clear on what benefit the “payroll tax holiday” provides…


As someone who lost a parent while still a child, I humbly suggest that it’s time to burn the WH down a second time.

What do you tell little Timmy who brought COVD home from school and then watched his parent die? Oh wait, that’s right…this isn’t about killing Timmy’s parents. It’s about killing Leroy’s. They couldn’t give a flying fuck what damage this will do as long as his voting-age parents can’t show up at the ballot box.


Faculty at my institution were polled a couple of weeks ago: In the Fall semester, should masks on campus be optional or mandatory? Eighty-seven percent voted for mandatory. Now I am deathly afraid of those 13% of antisocial professors, and their students, whose oppositional-defiant disorder will be triggered. Fortunately we each have the option to teach remotely. If I were required to teach in person before this pandemic is under control, I would resign.


It’s another bribe. A letter will be sent from the IRS with Trump’s signature saying enjoy the extra cash, with which I’m bribing you to like me while I deplete the SS Trust fund.


All their efforts are attempting to “address” the perception of things. They don’t know how to actually accomplish anything. If the bars and restaurants are open, there’s a perception that everything is “normal” and that’s all they care about. The fact that the economy doesn’t actually run on bars and restaurants isn’t important to them. If things look like normal, then everyone will believe it is normal, in their myopic view.




Trump is considering more money for education, but didn’t Kudlow advise Trump to surrender to the Covid virus a couple of months ago? Why yes, yes he did, and Trump surrendered because fighting Covid is hard, really hard.

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Also from NYT

The Los Angeles and San Diego unified school districts, which together enroll some 825,000 students, are the largest in the country so far to abandon plans for even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August.

More than a third of California’s coronavirus cases are in Los Angeles County and San Diego County has had 18 community outbreaks over the past week, more than double the state’s acceptable threshold.

“There’s a public health imperative to keep schools from becoming a petri dish,” said Austin Beutner, the school superintendent in Los Angeles.

The joint announcement came as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos continued to press the Trump administration’s case to quickly reopen public schools, not only for students’ social and emotional development, but so that parents can return to work fully.

The recommendations from the president and Ms. DeVos have been disputed by many public health officials and teachers. On Friday, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and AASA, the School Superintendents Association issued a statement saying that reopening recommendations should be “based on evidence, not politics.”

The groups added that “we should leave it to health experts to tell us when the time is best to open up school buildings, and listen to educators and administrators to shape how we do it.”

With virus case counts differing greatly across the country, there is no single approach to how major urban systems, like those in Los Angeles and San Diego, will operate this fall.


Well put as a social artifact.

Those people who are like that have had too many occasions to not suffer the consequences for their actions, in a nation with so much freedom and bounty.

They are about to stew in their own juices in coming months.

For Christ’s sake, Kudlow, if you fuckers had actually addressed this problem like sensible nations did, the kids would be going back. But you didn’t, and the pandemic is out of control, and they’re not going back. The districts and the parents are against the idea of children dying to save Donald Trump’s ass. Try to hoist this aboard and really understand it. I’m not sure there’s a school district in the nation that would open as things are. It’s one thing to posture. It’s one thing to open beaches. It’s another to crowd kids into rooms with each other all day during a fucking pandemic, you sick bastard.


Districts should use those funds to extend wifi networks into neighborhoods that don’t have broadband and to supply kids whose families can’t with tablets for remote learning.

Broadband internet access should be a right. It’s an essential utility at this juncture.

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