Trump Is Considering Extra Funding To Help Schools Reopen, Says WH Adviser

About this Fucking Civil War business…

That has been on everyone’s mind, particularly in the George Floyd Era (and I do NOT mind with laying that mantle on Mr. Floyd. This IS his Era).

Welp, maybe–in spite of the worst epidemic is Modern World History–it may come to pass that there are enough racists to get that going. It was enough to get Trump out of Out-Patient Care and into the White House.

But now I am thinking that the real Civil War will not be fought along the lines of “race” (at least not directly).

The Real Civil War will be those vultures and sadists who wish–to further Donald Trump’s re-election–to sacrifice the lives of children, their teachers and school staff, and parents/relatives AGAINST those individuals who would like to protect themselves from COVID.


Ah yes, extra money for those craven enough to risk lives, including those of children, by reopening schools during the height of a pandemic claiming hundreds of thousands of lives and disabling many more… In other words, more money for Betsy DeVos and family.

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I will bet any amount of money that if $X is allocated to Florida in some school reopening package then an equivalent sum will be removed from the education budget and used to plug other holes in the state budget to help DeSantis’ friends. Net $0 to schools.

Because these fucks are evil, that’s why.


You know what tomorrow is.


si, senor ardilla…

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Oh great, the administration is considering the bare minimum that the situation calls for. Perhaps they’ll spend an hour on trying to come up with a plan for its use beyond throwing the money in the wind for the nearest grifters to make use of.


Backdoor attack on social security and medicare.

     ^ *with
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It’s just a palinesque gibber-retcon in the moment. He doesn’t believe in anything but himself.


er, we’re not at the height yet. Only one of fifty states has had a death surge big enough to scare everyone straight. 49 to go, though I’ll give alaska and hawaii partial credit.

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Didn’t work for Ghislaine.


I hate to point out the obvious, but that’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s trading the lives of this nation’s children for his bull(shit)ish economy. That’s his job, and t rumpp has tremendous confidence in his abilities to generate bigly returns in the stock market.


Well, here’s how Fat Nixon is gonna pay the bribe. Once all the deplorables who fraudulently cashed their “dead granny” checks return the funds…


Mass shootings are now an unfortunate fact of life in out nation’s schools. We’ve accepted active shooter training as a necessary drill to enable our schools to remain open. With this virus, the only difference is that the virus is invisible, and can also be transported back home, and to the neighbors, and to wherever else family life leads, with potentially far worse results for everyone involved. If only we could give the children their own guns to enable them to protect themselves from the virus.


Those dead people can still vote, though, rihht?


But on a positive note, we haven’t had a mass school shooting since March.


Gee; the 10Watt light bulb must have finally turned on.

Demanding schools open or withhold funds would be like demanding your child clean their room or you will lock them OUT of their room. But-somehow he will try to turn this into:

“SEE- look how much money I gave you… and those ungrateful BLUE STATES still didn’t open…!”


With OC right in the middle you can bet we will be shutting down soon.


Michelle Steele, Board of Supervisions, may put her two cents in and demand that schools stay open. She is the one who lied about the number of cases in the County from the onset. The anti mask one who stood beside the woman who ranted and raved about masks and made a fool of herself when the clip from the board meeting was shown on CNN.


The adviser argued that keeping the schools closed would be a “setback to a true economic recovery.”

“So let’s not go there. Let’s use some American ingenuity and common sense to get the schools open,” he said.

Without even getting involved with the medical right/wrong of this argument, it is notable that Kudlow is hoping for “ingenuity and common sense”.

One place we Americans MIGHT have sought that is the past was in a fully functioning Administration led by a capable and empathetic President. Plainly Larry knows this is not the Administration nor the President to supply that. His wish for those qualities to emerge is thrown out into the thin air of a corrupt, unimaginative, inefficient, lazy and incompetent White House, which seems to believe if they just say it enough times COVID19 will disappear.

What has disappeared is the patience and tolerance of the US electorate for the survival of this venal, rotten group. The will be sent packing in November and be kicked to the curb in January.

However many of us survive will hope to have developed Herd Immunity to charlatans and grifters for ever more.

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