President Donald Trump told reporters on Friday that the foreign leaders at the G20 Summit “loved” his daughter Ivanka.
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President Donald Trump told reporters on Friday that the foreign leaders at the G20 Summit “loved” his daughter Ivanka.
Look at the faces of the diplomats in that photo. This one needs a thought bubble contest.
May. “What s that silly wench doing here.”
The President also took Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, to his historic trip to North Korea while national security advisor John Bolton was in Mongolia.
Why do any of these people have national security clearances?
Question: what does Kim have in common with the Trump clan?
Answer: None of them give a damn about America’s best interests.
I always thought my sons where cute, too, but I didn’t let them lead my project management meetings. That would have been career suicide if not the end of any working relationships I had formed with my colleagues and peers.
But that’s the way the corrupt Conservative Movement works…just like a banana republic.
Well Donnie, you can “insist” with one hand and do whatever you want with the other.
“She’s sacrified a lot.” No words.
"The President claimed his daughter’s “worked on almost 10 million jobs” and getting companies “to hire people.”
Just not in America.
But keep thinking the Corporations will let you have some crumbs from their table republican voters.
that’s the one that stood out for me as well.
Yes, the foreign leaders “love” Ivanka the same way that I “love” RW Republican homophobic politicians when they get caught having sex with their rent-boys in a public bathroom.
The French presidential palace, which had first released the video, said it “didn’t anticipate the reaction, and once again, we are not responsible for the use made of the clip.”
“We’ve can’t stop laughing our asses off,” Macron’s spokesman later admitted.
What’s really galling (well, let me count the ways) is that the MOMENT a Democratic president is sworn in, we’ll go back to screeching about tan suits, sleeveless dresses, etc. That’s the beauty of the American mind and it’s nano-attention span.
I’d give her a thought bubble if I thought she was capable of a cogent thought…but I kinda doubt that.
The people around her probably have a lot of thoughts going through their heads. Abe looks like he’s thinking, “Interloper!!”
“We didn’t anticipate the reaction or the popularity of the clip, otherwise we would have had it copyrighted so we could have made ourselves a fortune”, said a spokesperson for the French presidential palace.
Doddery tarts distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
To Trump, any rejection or criticism of Ivanka is a personal attack on him, something his massive but fragile ego cannot abide. Therefore, "I’ll tell you, the foreign leaders loved her, and they just think she’s great.”
Trump said “She’s very smart and she’s done a great job.” when compared to my other offspring, a bar so low Death Valley towers over it.
This one is my personal favorite, zillacop!