Trump II Punishes Fed Workers For Attending Trump I Diversity Training

Originally published at: Trump II Punishes Fed Workers For Attending Trump I Diversity Training - TPM – Talking Points Memo

In an ironic twist, the Trump administration appears to be punishing Department of Education employees for attending diversity training sessions that were held during his first term. Over the weekend the news began to emerge that even Education Department employees who were not directly involved in doing DEI work were swept up in the effort…

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Can Democrats in the Senate stall all confirmation hearings, committee meetings and regular business until Musk is tossed in jail?
How much can they actually do to exert pressure on FFOTUS?




Pretty sure they can, at least judging by what the Republicans got away with for years, and they damned well should at this point and not just for Musk, for all of it.

Trumusk crap has gotten old so fast I’d bet a clear majority in this country is feeling like they’ve been obliged to find out way too much before even getting a lick of f*ck around.


The legality and validity of the move is totally unclear.

I guess we’d better get used to seeing that phrase.


You can scare more people more effectively if it appears you have no idea what you’re doing.


Fat Fuck has no idea what he’s doing now, what he did in the past, and what he’s going to do in the future. Unless it’s about grifting and stealing.


This afternoon, I got an adult polio vaccination. Yes, I had been immunized, but that was a sugar cube in my elementary school auditorium over 60 years ago. But since this fucker wants to make polio great again, I figured that living in a country with endemic polio required I get the vaccine.

Fuck RFK Jr. Fucking moron.


You’re on the bus until you’re off the bus. Don’t get on the bus unless you’re clear on this. The bus is not your friend, and you don’t have a ticket to ride.


“The single office with the largest number of affected people was Federal Student Aid, Coleman said, with at least 16 employees placed on administrative leave. The leaves have unfolded in a series of waves, she said, with the first two being placed on leave on Jan. 22. One of the two worked on an initiative targeted at helping HBCUs gain access to federal funding; the other worked on the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, which began under President George H. W. Bush.”

So when Timmy Scott often brags about how Trump “made the largest investment in HBCUs” then how is he going to square that with this undermining of how the funding for them will be hamstrung by the administration.


Wait a minute, can you explain which Fat Fuck “has no idea”?
I wonder which one will wander off first?


It took Hitler about sixty days to kill the Weimar Republic and be named Leader and Chancellor of the Reich. It currently looks like The Orange Assshole (and draft dodger) may beat that record. God help the Republic and God bless America! It looks like a bumpy road ahead.


“These actions are designed to create the same hostile work environment that we were being trained to fight against”

There’s a reason Trump didn’t campaign on policy – Republicans don’t have one.

Rudderless moral, spiritual, legal, and human values. Men, women, and children’s lives for sale at reasonable prices.



These people apparently learned from some enemy of Oceania that it was at war with Eastasia, when everybody knows that Oceania is and always has been at war with Eurasia. Clearly they must be re-educated. Off to the camp with them!

(Pssst…it was Big Brother who told them that Oceania was at war with Eastasia.)


A bit off topic - but not really. In a way, I feel sorry for Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Think of all of the time (over a century now) they’ve spent planning and funding their military in an effort to destroy or undermine the US and President Musk comes along and only has to spend 250 million dollars right out in the open to accomplish the same goal with plausible denial (it’s all Trumps fault). I had no idea buying the Presidency was so cheap. I could probably crowd source it with a good story… I realize Trump is a business man, but can now see why they say he’s a failure - he should have charged President Musk more for his title. The guy just can’t close a deal, can he. His father must be spinning in his grave.

And to think it’s all allowed because of the Robert’s Court Citizens United decision. So how much of a kick-back did/are certain members of SCOTUS receiving? I know, they all say it’s their friends just helping them out with vacations, trips, etc. because of their low Federal pay scale. Otherwise, they’d simply have to slum it. Poor babies…I feel for them.



fuck the fuck off disobot, you’re incredibly stupid.


OT, but maybe not. Divid Brooks’, or whatever his name is, column in yesterday’s NYT called the trump activities over the last two weeks as stupid. Not close. Stupid may be trump but these stunts weren’t stupid. They. Were. Arrogant.


They sure make it look easy and satisfying to totally fuck millions of good honest people’s lives. As long as they’re fat, happy and rich that’s all that matters.


Can’t the Democrats make a good case for buying the United Kingdom, Ukraine and Cuba to incorporate them as US states?

I think the USA is entitled to have these countries after decisively winning all these tariff wars against Colombia, Canada, and Mexico. These three wars took a lot less time, cost less money, fewer military and civilian lives than Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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This might actually be even dumber than, “let all the water out in the winter, so that it’s not available in the summer!”