Trump: I Have ‘No Problem’ Letting Giuliani Testify On Ukraine

President Donald Trump on Sunday morning said he would be fine with allowing his personal attorney testify on his attempts to get the Ukrainian government to investigate Trump’s 2020 Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

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Somehow they were involved in a lot of different things that took place in our country…

I’ll say! I think I read that a major presidential candidate’s campaign manager was all mixed up with lobbying for Ukraine, helped install one of their own presidents who was part of the massive corruption, oh, it was quite a thing.

Seriously. This fucking guy.


Yes, I’d definitely want Giuliani testifying on my behalf - his incoherence will save me.


…In other words, Giuliani will be blocked by the WH from testifying, and, even if they do let him testify, he won’t be allowed to answer any questions about Ukraine, contacts with folks from Ukraine, whether Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe, whether it has some coastline along the Black Sea, or anything else covered by “executive privilege”.


Fantasy Land:

Sure, no problem with Giuliani testifying on Ukraine.

Sure, I’ll release my tax returns (after the audit)

I can’t wait to be questioned by Mueller.


Oh, I have a feeling that Fat Ass will be walking this one back REAL fucking soon.

What, has he never even SEEN Rudy Giuliasshole in a television interview? Could you imagine him testifying under oath in front of a Democratic House committee? I can, and I am stocking up on spumoni ice cream, Ho-Hos, and honey-roasted cashews because plain popcorn just ain’t gonna cut it during Rudypalooza!


Gulliani is less enthused


Yes like he would have no problem releasing his taxes or talking to Mueller. As soon as Giuliani is clear from this perjury trap audit…


At 12 noon 9/22/2019 Trump will let Giuliani testify.
By 1500 today Giuliani will be allowed to take or drink the 5th.


Good, then get that guy who’s a professional prosecutor that did the last hour at the Lewandowski hearing as the main questioner. Let him go to town on Rudy’s ass…

Also, once again, set the rules of the committee to only allow Congressional staff to do the questioning in order to avoid the propensity for any GOP Congressional Asshole to showboat for the cameras to their audience of one.

Nadler…you can do this thing, as can Schiff. Now that you know tRump will only allow this under obvious favorable conditions for Rudy, which will only ostensibly allow tRump to be put in a favorable light, you can plan for taking the theatrics out of the offer from the start. And make the damn thing public under any and all circumstances.

tRump will walk back his offer in less than a minute when he hears the conditions and watch Rudy scream that he has Executive Privilege and can’t do it because…reasons.


Wait a few minutes till he says “by ‘no problem’, I actually mean…”


Trump said stuff like this a lot during the Mueller probe, even about his own willingness to be interviewed. Then he reverses on legal advice, and the members of the press look at their shoes for a moment and then move on to breathlessly repeating his next tweet.


Yes. The question was an opportunity for Trump to blather his propaganda with no accountability. Oh, and finally this pretense that Giuliani is Trump’s lawyer makes some sense—they can claim privilege for that as their first line of defense. Flimsy, but it’ll take a round of legal action to get to the next barrier.


Fine as long as it is Barry Berke doing the questioning.


Ah-yes, that’s the guy’s name. I was trying to remember it. Thanks for referencing him by name.


To a congenital moron like Trump, Giuliani probably does sound smart when he rambles and fulminates on the teevee box.


Of course Trump would be fine with allowing his personal attorney testify, because the entire transcript would be littered with endless claims of attorney-client privilege.


When you’re explaining, you’re losing.

Trump is losing here

I remember the George McGovern speech on Nixon when he said the following (paraphrased):

"Mr. Nixon has a peace plan but it is missing ‘some minor details’…That is like a car salesman saying to a customer that he has the car just made for him, but is absent a few minor details…

  • The first ‘minor detail’ is that the car has no wheels

  • The second ‘minor detail’ is that the car has no engine

  • The third ‘minor detail’ is that the car has no body"



The President’s actions amount to soliciting a bribe. He was asking, both directly and through Giuliani, for Ukraine to provide something of value to him personally in exchange (whether explicitly or implicitly) for the continuation of foreign military aid dollars from the U.S. to Ukraine. The President and Giuliani were speaking to a man who had just been elected to office for the first time and who they no doubt thought was susceptible to this sort of pressure. Bribery is absolutely at the center of the sort of corruption that most concerned the Founders and is, without a doubt, an impeachable offense. If the Congress allows this egregious conduct to pass without a formal investigation and, if warranted (and I don’t know how they wouldn’t be) impeachment proceedings, then we really don’t have a republic anymore. We have what amounts to a serial monarchy.