President Trump didn’t hide his intentions for hiring a Republican lawmaker to replace Dan Coats as director of national intelligence while speaking to the press on Tuesday.
Trump on Ratcliffe nomination: “We need somebody strong that can really rein it in because as I think you’ve all learned the intelligence agencies have run amok. They run amok.”
I can run amok in under 6 minutes. Still pretty far off the world record, but I train intermittently, so there’s that.
“I think that John Ratcliffe is going to do an incredible job if he gets approved, he’s gotta get approved, but I think he’ll do a great job, I hope he gets approved,” he told reporters Tuesday. “I think we need somebody like that, we need somebody strong that can really rein it in because, as I think you’ve all learned ,the intelligence agencies have run amok. They’ve run amok.”
On the bright side, as Josh noted, Ratcliffe has likely not been vetted at all, so I look forward to all his dirty little secrets getting a proper airing. Of course if he has to slink off in disgrace, his blood-red district probably has someone just as deplorable to take his place.
He said he nominated Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) — who, among other things, thinks special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is linked to the Clinton Foundation — to “rein” in an intelligence community that he claims has “run amok” under Coats,
But wait, Coats was the Orange Dungpuffin’s pick to replace James Clapper, who had a far thicker resumé than Coats, who in turn has a somewhat thick, yet respectable, resumé and considerably more than Ratty who has, for all intents and purposes, no resumé in this field at all. So, ‘running amok’ is actually synonymous with knowing what you’re doing.
These are NOT “his own intelligence community” - the intelligence agencies belong to Americans. Reporters at TPM need to watch how they phrase their stories so they don’t perpetuate the fake news that 45 is an all-powerful ruler. Words matter! Lazy writing suits the thought-police, so knock it off and be accurate.
Trump tends to undermine his own intelligence community.
I don’t know where to begin, but giving Kislyak and friend protected intelligence on Syria at a Russia media only meeting is certainly emblematic.
No, he doesn’t, but he apparently has Moscow’s seal of approval. A guy with basically no Intelligence experience heading our Intelligence agencies has to be a dream scenario for them. Gear up for Goosifer 3.0.