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Founder & Editor-in-Chief:
Executive Editor:
Discobot, make me a Bloody Mary.
The lawyer for Tara Reade, the former Senate aide who has accused Joseph R. Biden Jr. of sexual assault, said Friday that he was no longer representing her, just two weeks after taking her on as a client.
Dammit. Words matter.
Perhaps the lead question should be about Trump’s sagging, flagging and limp poll numbers.
Just now at 538 he’s at 53.4% Disapprove / 43.0% Approve. That’s a 10.4% D-A spread. How do you like all the winning, Donnie? Such a rude and nasty question–by design!
It’s Friday. The death toll is around 95,000 people. It’s time for Trump to say stuff to rile people up and pull more wings off the national fly.
Lemme guess. Either he pressed her to take a lie-detector test and she failed it, or she refused to take one, and he’s no longer confident that he can trust her.
Sometimes there are no words.
All of the above, Katie, all of 'em!
I read an article recently about how she has a history of getting people to take pity on her and then taking advantage of and finally turning on them. If true, she’s a nasty piece of work and I’m guessing quite unstable. There’s probably a history of early abuse there, but that doesn’t justify such behavior. I’ve met the type and been burned, thankfully in small ways. She needs therapy, not legal counsel.
The bigger story is that she apparently lied about her credentials to serve as an expert witness in numerous domestic abuse cases in CA, not only calling into question her participation as a witness, but also raising the possibility that she perjured herself in all those cases. All of those cases are now under review, and any resulting convictions are now in jeopardy. Looks like the Putin/Trump/BernieBros Triad bought themselves a real winner with this crackpot.
Oh, dear, I am missing the clown’s press briefing. How very sad.
The number of cases has gone up by a million in less than two weeks.
Mask or no mask?
Jesus Christ on a cracker. Now you’ve shivved a bunch of women that trusted and relied on you.
Just can’t stop. He’s addicted.
It might be this. Apparently she lied under oath about her qualifications as an expert witness. The shit has just started to hit this particular fan:
ETA: ninja’d by reggid
He will say stupid and outrageous things. He will be rude to reporters. He will blame China, Obama, Biden, governors, the WHO, and the CDC. He will talk about what a fantastic job he’s done and take no responsibility for anything. He will wax nostalgic about the economy and say that nobody’s ever seen anything like it. He will remind us that he shut down the border with China and that everybody was against it except him. Other stuff will also happen.
Not yet. He’s late as usual.
Spot-on. It’s long-weekend-happy-hour starting… now!
That would be it, too, but it’s fairly standard for these sorts of cases that the lawyer has the person do a lie-detector test privately. Then if they pass, like Ford did, the lawyers keep going.
When they refuse or fail, the lawyers just drop it and move on.
Two weeks since he took up the case sounds to be about the perfect length of time to have had her take one or refuse.