Trump Hints At More Russia Probe Mud Being Dredged Up For His Campaign | Talking Points Memo

Incoherent nonsense.


First thing I heard from Mrs darr this morning was “I have a fever”.
Right now donald you are not on my radar.
Except to say…



Shades of that dumbass Paul Ryan “washing dishes” at the soup kitchen.



I was 100% sure this parasite would jump on what this TPM article is describing: “More Russia Probe Mud Being Dredged Up”

For Trump.

I’m surprised it took him this long.


Your Bold Prediction ™: Federal charges will be filed against Biden and/or his son in late October.

These knobs are going to stop at literally nothing to ensure Trump’s reelection.


But will his allies be able to take a break from throwing medical professionals out of windows and lend him their peerless gaslighting services?



The Trump Two-Step. All the hip kids are doing it.

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Apprentice tapes! Golden Shower tapes! Hush money NDAs! Tax returns! Keep it coming!


I saw a guy in the grocery store parking lot the other day with a Hannibal Lecter mask. Frightening.




This is what is known in professional circles as “grasping at straws.”

It never works.


TRump may be behind in the national polls right now, but just a few facts

  1. Republicans have a very strong advantage in the electoral college
  2. Trump has more money to spend than any candidate in history - he has at least 5 times the war chest that Biden has, and they have just barely started to spend
  3. The Republicans are waging wars against voter participation all across the country, and these things work
  4. A thousand crazy things can happen between now and November, and Biden is the oldest candidate anyone has ever run. Who would be completely surprised if Biden had a stroke tomorrow?
  5. SCOTUS, the arbiter of close decisions, is firmly in the pocket of the Republicans

If this thing was just about a majority of votes, I would not keep waking up at 4 in the morning with a sense of dread. But it isn’t - it is about every Republican with power on a federal or state level doing everything they can to sway the election in any way possible, including illegal acts that may eventually be found illegal a year after the election is over. But we don’t need a simple majority, we need 270 electoral college votes and that is an entirely different ball game. As much as people hate Trump right now (even my crazy brother-in-law thinks he has screwed this up), when November comes the Republicans will line up and vote for him. That includes my BIL. What will the Democrats do? How much is Biden going to be smeared by then? There is an awful lot to work with simply because he has been around for a long time? Tara Reade is nothing but a minor warning shot.

Democrats have to overcome the entire federal electoral system now to win - it isn’t just votes anymore and hasn’t been for a while. Our institutions will not save us, especially the media. Did you see the horrible interview that ABC did with Trump? They might as well have let him write the questions himself.

This is really going to be ugly beyond what most of us are imagining right now.


Trump is manifestly stupid. But his team has put together people who exceed that.

But I have a question to you (as a grammarian):

Does exceeding stupidity mean that one is smarter…or more stupid (which is my original intent in my post :crazy_face:)?


I worked along side the FBI for a while and used to have regular discussions with my local agents. At one point, I opined that the worst thing one could do is lie to the FBI. After all, it was a federal crime and, besides, they have no sense of humor. Any number of people have gone to prison for that alone. I guess I was wrong. It seems to be OK to lie to the FBI and, for that matter, ignore lawfully issued subpoenas, suborn perjury, witness tamper, intimidate witnesses, and use your official office for political reprisals. Oh foolish me. My biggest concern is the message this sends. No one needs to follow the law if the chief executive and his buddies do not. And then what?


Ozzy Oswald?

The latter—because exceeding something magnifies it in that usage of the word.


OT—just reported that one of Pence’s staff has tested positive for COVID-19.

Cross your fingers, folks!


The strategy here is pretty obvious. President traitor’s got his toadies in place all over government, so he “exonerates” everyone on his side, persecutes and tars everyone else using the levers of government, tries to turn the investigation into a big conspiracy theory to get people to disbelieves any charges or attacks against him no matter how accurate. Run of the mill authoritarian corruption. Good thing our institutions are holding and the courts are standing up to him. Oh, wait…