Trump Has Outdone Himself In False Claims, Making More Than 50 Per Day By WaPo’s Count | Talking Points Memo

OT but this seems important. Perhaps voters are done with the lies, hate and divisiveness.

NC and MT have joined VT, TX, and NJ in the group of states where turnout is already above 50% of total 2016 turnout. On deck: New Mexico (48%) and Georgia (46%).

— Dave Weigel, Re-Animator (@daveweigel) October 22, 2020

The shorthand for a while was "40 million Americans may have already voted by the third debate," but it's going to be closer to 50 million.

— Dave Weigel, Re-Animator (@daveweigel) October 22, 2020

If I were Trump’s court appointed lawyer, I’d say in his defense that the truth really would not have served him better. Since he had the right to remain silent, but not the ability, he had no choice but to lie, your honor!

To Trump’s future legal team, who will be over worked and underpaid, feel free to copy and paste.


He’s incapable of suffering voter rejection because has the rejection antidote firmly in place. It’s all rigged, voting fraud etc. We went through this 4 years ago when he lost the popular vote by 3,000,000.


Yeah, the lies. But goddammit, where’s the headline “Trump Pays More to China in Taxes than in U.S.” I mean, for Christ’s sake!


That’s a lot of lying.

They should just put “Trump Lies” in the banner and then not talk about him elsewhere. There really are actual and true things going on in this campaign that are being devalued because they sit next to all the Trump-lies space-sucking crap.


Hey when you find something that works you should stick with it!


Fake it till’ you make it! Some people make an entire career out of that.

Extremely important.
For Our Nation


Does not take much to refute his claims

GDP topped 4% in five of Clinton’s eight years in the White House. Inflation remained stable. Unemployment dipped below 4%. And the United States enjoyed the longest period of uninterrupted economic growth in modern history

Trump has an average GDP growth of 2.5 % over his first three years.But This year will pretty much wipe those gains out.

S&P 500 in the first 930 trading days of each presidency

(data was updated thru September 29, 2020 )

Ronald Reagan


George H.W. Bush


Bill Clinton


George W. Bush


Barack Obama


Donald Trump


More data here:


All in a day’s work for the Dotard.


I just did a check on my ballot (track my ballot) and mine has already been counted! Our county is awesome. Even though the outcome of the election in WA state is highly likely to be Biden, It still feels good.


I don’t think he knows anything. Not that he’s completely ignorant - that he doesn’t bother considering an objective reality at all. Instead, at any given moment he looks for adulation, supplication, some trapping of success by which he can get the first two things, or some way to attack others who get the success or recognition he feels should only belong to him.

That’s why he says things like “no one cares about women more than me” at one of his debates with Hillary after the “Access Hollywood” tape hit. He cares if he gets away with saying it - that other people accept the ‘reality’ he’s peddling and give him adulation as a result.

That’s why he’s in this mess - a virus can’t be bullied, browbeaten or BS’ed into tolerating how Trump wants things to be. The mess this country and its institutions are in comes from that we can be.


Counted down here, too! Over 500,000 ballots already sent in.


43% of the electorate like Trump as much as they do because they see in him a lot of themselves and what they aspire to being.

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That’s where I believe you’re wrong.

Trump cannot admit failure, or that he’s ever been wrong in any substantial way.

His fantasies are so vivid that he believes them to be reality.

And that’s what makes him so dangerous.


Flooding the zone.

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Even when he lost $600M in casinos it wasn’t his loss. It was the banks’. He walked away with a big allowance.
This time he will be walking into AG James and DA Vance.

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Good lord. He’ll never turn into a real boy at that rate.

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You would have to adjust for the exchange rates of the main US trading partners and interest rates to give those numbers meaning. The dollar weakened when Trump came in roughly to the extent of the gains on the main US stock indexes. For example, the US real effective exchange rate REER, declined by 10-11% in the first year of the Trump presidency. US interest rates have been low since QE programs started after the Great Recession. Obama had low interest rates even with a growing economy. Yellen knew QE had to end, and there were those rate hikes for a while until Trump canned her. Now we are back to low interest rates for at least another year as this pandemic shows no sign of ending. Essentially, we have been in such a strange place since 2009 that stock market gains or losses may not be that informative as to how the economy is actually performing.