Trump Goes All In On Rigging The System To Advance White Rural Political Power | Talking Points Memo

I think another way to state this might be that we all need representation, whether or not we appear to be part of the group.
Even though I don’t have children, I care about school board elections and school quality, because public education is a public good - the same as the fire & police departments or other services. I pay taxes to support all these things, whether or not I have a current need for them.


Its just empty grandstanding to appeal to his racist base.


Making shit up.

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Or the usual orifice.

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That’s one giant blood-sucker there…


Trump wants to abolish ICE and calls all these folks “visitors!”

I’ve seen lots of statements along the lines of this article yet I’ve never seen actual data or analysis to back up these assertions. I looked at 2016 data and CA loses the most at 3, but overall it was 3 states lost at least 1 vote while 5 states gained one by removing the undocumented persons from the count. But raw population changes from 2010 to 2016 saw more states lose/gain.

While I agree that this is not constitutional, I’d like to see analysis actually backing up the claims that it will significantly impact apportionment.

Keep in mind that there are likely multiple reasons they’re doing this. Of course they might think they’ll pick up some seats or “hurt the libruls”, but they also want to signal to the base that they’re “doing stuff” that the base feels is good for them. So, they don’t need no steenking facts, just need the base to like it so they’ll stay pumped…


Absolutely - was just tying being taxed to having a direct line to having a right to representation. Non-citizens are taxed, and non-citizens have “an interest” in being represented, and IMO, voting. All PERSONS shall be counted…

Don’t know if it actually happened, but there was talk in SF about “allowing” non-citizens to vote for school board candidates.


Just to belabor the obvious, those legal immigrants drive over the same bridges, drink out of the same water systems, and pay the same taxes, be it property tax, sales tax, or income tax, as everyone else. That they wouldn’t need representation too is ludicrous.

The one and only explanation is that Trump is a lying racist monster who must be crushed in November, actually tomorrow would be better, along with all his vicious back stabbing gluttonous racist enablers.

Joe, there really aren’t any good republicans. If they want to join you, they need to renounce their GOP registration. And turn over all their campaign cash to the DNC and Progressive Caucus and Liberal Think Tanks and the ACLU and NRDC and Doctors Sans Frontieres and Planned Parenthood and a whole slew of worthy organizations and non profits.

And you know what, some really rich person needs to just pay off the debts of the Florida Felons, so they can vote, and fuck the legal battle, just ipso facto fait accompli it and call it a day.


They’re going to have a problem explaining why the Constitution uses the word “citizen” when it means citizen, and “persons” when it means persons.

What are they going to do without Scalia to assure us that the Framers were careless with language?


I dont think this is going to work the way they think its supposed to.

Have you been to a rural area. I have. I used to install self check out machines in Walmart. If you want to know the make up and how an area is construed. Visit the Walmart. I’ve been in the most rural towns of PA, OH, TN, IN MO and Michigan. You name it. I would say half the population in these areas are Mexicans. Undercounting them will not go well for these poor areas. The other thing that shocked me were the amount of white women who were dating Mexicans. They hustle while their former boyfriend are spraying their favorite cologne Sauvage of Deer Urine hanging in trees all day. That doesnt pay the Bill’s.


Hasn’t anyone explained to you how he’s done the most for the blacks than any president ever? Next time you’re not busy, go into your local GOP district headquarters and ask them.


Oh smack, stupid has finally figured it out.

He’s had a reality check that his latest threat to stay in the White House and never leave even if a new president is elected into office he said he’ll think about leaving. Well, Nancy Pelosi gave stupid a reality check, since he has nothing to say about it, hands out of his control. She said well if he chooses to hang around and not leave will just have him fumigated out of the White House after we’ve sworn in the new president which will be Joe Biden.

Couldn’t figure out why he’s throwing everything he has it’s a wall, because this is a temper tantrum of sorts. I fear mongering threat because he’s upset. And nothing will stop the removal of Donald Trump as president. Nothing , Nothing. It’s all an act he showboating everyone he’s gaslighting the whole nation in the world.

This is just how wicked evil he is. No one cares Donald just get the F out of the White House resign is that simple save yourself the humiliation of losing the next election. Or is that the plan anyway. Out he’s going to make a Merica pay in his fear mongering by making us worry that he’s more powerful than it really is. You’re a loser and we can’t wait till you’re gone we will celebrate upon you’re leaving.

And remember Donald, if you are serious and think you can stay in the White House until you decide to leave, we will have a fumigating party and it’ll be fun. Everyone is chomping at the bit and Kinda, sorta hope you mean when you say that like nothing better than to see you drug out of the White House by the hair of yours on your chinny chin Chin. Resigned get out.

It can happen here. It is happening here.

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The Constitution is explicitly clear about who should be counted. And it is not “citizens only”.

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Just another attempt to prevent any redistricting. IF the GOP can keep the 2020 census tied up, they can likely keep the 2010 reapportionment in effect until this is resolved.

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Who’s going to contain the undercounted within the city boundary, once the underfunded city has no better opportunities than the burbs?