Trump Fiddles As Unemployment Benefits Are About To Expire For Millions | Talking Points Memo

I feel like this POS needs to be charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and thrown in a cell never to be heard from again.


he’s not crazy. he’l filled with spite and contempt and this is his only path to revenge.


He will be an asshole until his last breath.


But enough about @playitagainrowlf, the article was about trump.


This may have been remarked upon already but “Trump fiddles…” does not conjure up pleasant mental images.


Why is it every time Trump comes up with some clever bit of gamesmanship I imagine the idea originated with Stephen Miller whispering in his ear.


I’m currently dealing with the ramifications of my mother’s husband after putting my mother in a nursing home earlier this year.

He is in bad need of extended care himself, but refuses to leave his hoarder’s paradise of a house, so I am getting acquainted with how illogical and unthinking people can be.

Don’t forget, Trump may put on a good show once in a while, but he is far from his prime, he is old and showing signs of dementia; his thinking processes have never been very good; he can’t talk to Congress, he can’t even fucking FIRE people, he simply tweets at them until they go away.

The same type of behavior my mother’s husband exhibits. He cannot see to his own needs, and he refuses to take steps to improve things. Trump cannot see to his own needs. He just plays golf and ignores everyone else.

Oh, and my mother’s husband is also a convicted sex offender. Other than the conviction part, that’s probably in parallel with Trump, too.


Maybe he thinks Congress will scurry and make his changes by next week. He is that ignorant of the ways of Washington.


He also seems to be set on destroying human lives, in as painful way as is possible.

Trump is a monster.


One day soon WH staffers will find their badges will no longer admit them to their offices. Fat donnie gets to play home alone. I love it.


The down stream impacts of this will be devastating to the economy. Removing the purchasing power of 9 to 11 million households in one fell swoop will have ripple effects impacted the bottom lines of millions of more households and businesses.

I suppose the only bright spot is this could help turn both Senate seats in GA blue.


Feature, not a bug.


I wonder if Trump realizes how much this is going to burn him personally. Sure, he’s trying to look like a hero to those who are on the brink of starvation or losing their home, though his call for $2000 hurts the Republicans, not the Democrats. And that’s the key…when people start actually hurting they aren’t going to cry out that they didn’t get $2000, they are going to be upset about losing everything, and the Republican politicians are rightfully going to blame Trump for that.

He’s setting up what could be the final break away from him by Republicans, who can call out his cruelty…the only thing that will hold them back is that Trump supporters aren’t the poor, in many respects they are comfortable white people who are angry the poor get any government aid and will be ecstatic that Trump is screwing them over. I don’t think there are enough of them for many Republican politicians not to say “we tried to help you but Trump fucked you over”.

It’s really a confusing play by Trump, this and vetoing military funding…these are not moves that will keep him in power for the next four years. It’s good that it’s hurting Republicans, and might even cost them the Senate (if enough people blame Republicans or realize that the meager bill is the best that will happen if they hold power), but it’s a stupid play politically. Though, to be fair, Trump has made oodles of stupid plays and still has the Republican party kissing his ass, so we’ll have to wait and see if him leaving office finally detaches their lips.


Amen, irasdad ! I watched it last night and Trump makes old man Potter look good ! Trump is at least as mean-spirited as Potter but even more corrupt. Potter only stole $8000.00, Trump’s ill-gotten gains are in the $$B’s.

There is no doubt in my mind this is all for spite and to make McConnell and the Senate GOP look bad. I have to say I am surprised McConnell failed to get the bill to Trump in time to avoid a pocket veto. He had a deal this past Tuesday - why did it take until Friday to get Trump the bill ?? Makes McConnell look stupid, but maybe thats the point. To get outsmarted by Trump is really pretty sad.


Actually, MoscowMitch is the monster, quite consistently.

Can’t disagree with trump on this one, the $600 is nothing, even $2K is a joke after all these months, but still better than nothing.

This one can and should go firmly on MoscowMitch’s shoulders as being the asshole who will hand out billions to corporations while fucking over actual working-class people.


Trashing the economy is the Republican agenda while Biden (or any Democrat) holds power. We had eight years of that under Obama, when the economy recovered despite their interference, and we’ll have four more years of that now if they hold either house of Congress. The cruelty and chaos of removing help today just makes it more obvious, but have no doubt they intend to have the economy crash after Trump leaves office.


He’s always had his fathers money to hire people to do the things (legal or not) he needed to do. Somehow even with the power of the presidency he couldn’t maintain that way of life. He was just too criminal with a sense of personally being above the law.


Look, Donald Trump is a complete and utter failure from the bottom to the top. The man is a failure at life. There was no way he was ever going to be anything other than a failure as president.


The only three shits Trump gives here is (1) the spotlight is back on him, (2) he has dominion over all, (3) he can give (DISLOYAL) McConnell the shiv.

This is the be all & end all of the sociopath’s motivations.

ETA: or in the words of @thomaspaine

There is no doubt in my mind this is all for spite and to make McConnell and the Senate GOP look bad.


A lot of his supporters are going to get hurt by this. Will they learn?
The soybean farmers didn’t.