A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1485996
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Thank you Josh
Josh Kovensky has been up at 5 a.m. ET that last two days and in line at the courthouse by 6 a.m. In each instance he got it, but only barely, due to limited seating while jury selection is underway.
Second photo from the first 2 days of trial in which he looks like he’s dying.
TFG is so corrupt that even his trials have trials.
This is NOT going to end well
Vaccine opt-out rate for Louisiana children skyrockets | Health care/Hospitals | nola.com
Parents opted out of vaccines for Louisiana’s kindergartners at the highest rate in at least a decade as several new bills to weaken vaccine requirements continue to advance in the Louisiana Legislature.
Looking at Trump, I think he wants to be held in contempt so he can get a good night’s sleep. He looks like shit.
I’m good with that. The sooner the better, in fact.
This is so perverse. People think this is OK because vaccines work really, really well and they don’t (now) see anyone around them getting measles or polio or mumps. But that’s because everyone used to get vaccinated!
Nice photo, Trump behind bars.
The range of sanctions for contempt is pretty broad, and I would expect a graduated scale of increasing punishments for each violation, rather than hauling Trump off to jail right away. I know. But that’s how it typically works.
Baby steps – from minor sanctions to major sanctions. (Wishing the courtroom had a cell (“cage”) in it where he could be placed for “time outs”…)
Peter Navarro woke up this morning and realized he is still in prison, with months to go.
I’m just loving how Trump has to get up before dawn to do his makeup and then sits around bored all day. Biden is campaigning and governing while Trump just looks bad and gets a sore back.
Well, it’s a trial for US, too.
Trials all the way down!
It’s a type of Darwinism – survival of the not stupid.
Note to Queen Sarah RE the criminal referral to local prosecutors and the attorney general in the case of the phantom lectern: Alina Habba is now available for your top-notch legal representation pleasure.
. . . and not looking at all sleepy, either, I might add.
I was going to say there is no conspiracy theory these people won’t fall for. But that infers they were fooled or gullible. These people fight to be the first to sign up for the crazy. They are performative in their stupidity. Like the crazy bubba with Charlie Manson eyes who sticks lit cigarettes into his forehead and grins and says “It don’t hurt ME none. I don’t care!”. But they’re also doing it with their kids. “See it don’t hurt them none either!”
I especially enjoyed reading this bit in the MM:
The high dudgeon was reminiscent of every other white collar trial in the last few decades, when affluent (usually white) defendants first encounter the criminal justice system and are outraged, OUTRAGED, that people are treated like this. Yep, every damn day in every courthouse in America.