Trump EPA To Get Rid Of Key Regulation On Methane Emissions

Forget New Zealand as the exit strategy for when the world collapses. That’s so 20th century. Now, the mega-assholes are buying mega-yachts. Hey, if I’m lucky, I might get the Activities Director gig!


Rings a bell, somehow.




Trump’s really just worried that the huge amounts of methane spewing out of his mouth on a daily basis may automatically trigger huge fines for him personally. Problem solved.

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A Manhattan Project, using Universities, the Private Sector and the Government would have given the tens of millions of Millennials a purpose: They can help save the Planet we older folks happily lived in and the same one THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LIVE IN, NO MATTER WHETHER THEY FALL ASLEEP ON ELECTION DAY OR NOT



The senselessness of the Deplorables is matched by the under 40-ers who refuse to match voting rates of older people.

It is nihilism to NOT VOTE, given the circumstances we have been in since the year 2000.

It the voting participation of [the under 40-ers] and [Granny and Gramps] were reversed:.

  • We would have had a 70 seat Dem Senate

  • A 7-2 Dem SCOTUS

  • Every single social safety-net and environmental measures that Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland have

You cannot claim to be a rational person and fail to vote to keep out of office people intent on killing you.


Democrats must start thinking of ways of to criminalize certain emissions.


don’t really need to criminalize it, just tax dirty energy and use that tax money to subsidize green energy. Given how green energy is already to the point of being profitable just make it even more so.


I get it. Greta Thunberg is in town and the Administration is bound and determined to punch down against a young lady who is sounding the alarm about the degradation of our planet’s ecosystems. “Meeting Protests with Poisons” - that’s the EPA way.


At least be fair and note that there are a lot more barriers to the young voting-- think of things like restrictions on using student IDs as identification, residency requirements that target college kids, unstable residency and addresses, work schedules, voter registration, etc.-- than to old retired folks with nothing else to do.

Until we have universal automatic voter registration and universal eligibility for early voting or absentee mail-in voting, the systemic barriers will continue to favor certain populations over others.


I won’t go easy. They’ll have to pry my keyboard from my cold, dead, irradiated hands!


It’s too late to mollycoddle the oil & gas industries. A proportionate response is needed. There really is no reason why destroying the planet should not be a crime. We don’t tax thieves and vandals in the hope that they will mend their ways.


As old_curmudgeon pointed out earlier, many of these industries are not onboard with this ruling:

The proposed rollback is particularly notable because several major energy companies have, in fact, opposed it — just as other industrial giants have opposed previous administration initiatives to dismantle climate-change and environmental rules. Some of the world’s largest auto companies have opposed Mr. Trump’s plans to let vehicles pollute more, and a number of electric utilities have opposed the relaxation of restrictions on toxic mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants.

“This is extraordinarily harmful,” Rachel Kyte, the United Nations special representative on sustainable energy, said of this and other administration efforts to undo climate regulations dating from the Obama administration. “Just at a time when the federal government’s job should be to help localities and states move faster toward cleaner energy and a cleaner economy, just at that moment when speed and scale is what’s at stake, the government is walking off the field.”

We need breathable air and plentiful drinkable water. All this “owning libs” bullcrap pales in comparison.


Who wants this? Only the usual suspects.

“What they’re tackling is the whether methane can lawfully be a regulatory pollutant,” said Erik Milito, vice president of upstream and industry operations for the American Petroleum Institute, in an interview. “We have a strong consensus that federal agencies need to follow the letter the law. They did not do that, and they are going back and correcting that.”

OTOH some of them are opposed to it.

But several of the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies, including Exxon, Shell and BP, have opposed the rollback and urged the Trump administration to keep the current standards in place. Collectively, these firms account for 11 percent of America’s natural gas output.

In a statement Thursday, Shell U.S. President Gretchen Watkins reiterated the company’s support for national limits on methane, noting Shell has pledged to reduce its methane leaks from its global operations to less than 0.2 percent by 2025.



Ultra-wealthy racists rightly see catastrophic climate change as the most effective form of ethnic cleansing.

They’ve decided they’re ready to begin purging worthless races from shithole countries.

Climate change will leave no fingerprints, not that there will be anyone left alive who isn’t already a thrall to the oligarchy.

The survivors will worship these genocidal oligarchs as the saviors of humanity.


Bunch of sick, evil fucks.

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Now you’re talking about the EC which among other things tilts outcomes toward white voters, conservative voters and certain regions of the country. E.g. California, with 38.8 million residents, has 55 electoral votes (reflecting 53 House members, 2 senators) while Wyoming, with 584,000 residents, has three electoral votes (having been guaranteed the minimum one House member and two senators). In other words, California gets an elector for every 700,000 people; Wyoming gets one for fewer than 200,000 people.

A certain TPMer rails about the EC regularly and he’s right.

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Sure, always can trash the EC, it needs to go.

But I’m going more basic. We put so many little barriers in to actual voting. Not everyone has Election Day free from morning to night. There are many things, from making it a Holiday, to putting it on a Sunday (like much of Europe does), to allowing universal no-reason absentee ballots, etc.


Ideas like these began to be proposed after bush v gore, but nothing much happened. In fact we can see the reverse in the form of voter suppression happening on a bigger scale. Not wearing a tin foil hat but it is in fact a plot against democracy, and there are probably Koch-related fingerprints all over it beginning with ALEC.