President Trump attacked ousted Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch Friday morning as she testified in the House impeachment probe, despite White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham claiming that the President would not watch the hearing after taking in Intel Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) conspiracy theory-laden opening statement.
His handlers must have found a way to set his twitter app so that he can’t see comments/replies because it is just a slamshow against him on his own feed every day.
As always, Dems’ goal must be to convince a sufficiently large percentage of swing voters that this is not acceptable behavior, along with all the other things that Trump and his cronies have said and done throughout all this. Not just Ukraine, but all of it, Russia, 2016, Turkey, Syria, emoluments, self-dealing–all of it, the whole festering pile of disgusting swamp-infested corruption, malfeasance and nastiness.
Forget about his 30% core base of diehard deplorable supporters, the dumbest of the dumb and the vilest of the vile (and I don’t think it’s even that large). Focus on the other 15%, who aren’t diehards even if they usually vote GOP. Win over enough of them, and it’s ballgame over for Trump and the GOP. And use this to do just that. It’s not merely Trump that’s being impeached, but the entire modern GOP.
He surely had no idea she’d served in Somalia until she put it in her statement. He has no idea what the Foreign Service does and he doesn’t care. Unfortunately, the hard part, in tactical terms, for us, is that neither do those of his supporters who found it a challenge to finish high school and don’t know anyone who has applied to a competitive college, let alone considered taking the Foreign Service exam.
Zelensky needs to man up and pick a side. I realize he’s in a very tough situation, but he has to find EU allies and set the record straight already, because if he doesn’t, he’s not going to be looked upon favorably by the next president and congress.
I have to agree with Trump’s logic here. He ran a bunch of companies and they all went bankrupt. He had a university and charity and they all turned out to be shams. He was married twice before and both marriages failed. He became president and the country and world have gone to shit. He’s right, when some people run things, they go bad. All the failing, my head is spinning!
Trump is only driving away the very people that he and the GOP desperately need to hold onto power and evade political and legal justice, usually right-leaning voters who are nevertheless not total assholes–most of them women. If they lose just a few more percentage points in support, they have no chance or keeping the WH and the senate is absolutely in play. And that’s the whole ballgame.