Upon his return to the United States after attending the new Ukrainian president’s inauguration, Energy Secretary Rick Perry urged President Trump to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky.
In short, Trump told Perry that his lawyer Rudy Guiliani was running US policy in Ukraine, which we know is comprised of (1) trying to get nonexistent exculpatory evidence about Manafort; (2) boxing in Ukraine to keep them from effectively fighting Russian aggression; and (3) blackmailing Ukraine to get them to make up dirt on Biden to help Trump’s 2020 chances.
This is all completely insane and utterly corrupt and unpatriotic.
The US president is making normal diplomatic relations with the US contingent on the other country agreeing to help him to subvert the US’s democracy and national security.
As hard for me to wrap my head around this blatant abuse of power wrapped up in deceit, involving Rick Perry in the scheme with Rudy is like calling Gilligan in to help ensure the boat sails smoothly.
A little late to be trying to cover your ass on this one, former Gov. Good Hair, but completely in line with your usual lack of skill and insight. At least you have some sense of self-preservation that may override your sad devotion to Donnie.
Why was the Energy Secretary worried about corruption in Ukraine? Let me take a guess, some fat cat (or maybe just aspiring fat cat) confederate of Perry wanted to do a deal in Ukraine and they were getting blocked by some powerful concerns, so Perry went to Trump to see how much power the might of the USA could apply, but Trump doesn’t understands the power of the US, so he resorted to what he knows and directed Perry to see how much corruption Giuliani could induce.
I think Spankee’s circuits are so overloaded from being kicked from all sides yesterday (hard to believe he really thought that letter was going to help and then Nancy flipped him the bird by turning the tables on his photo…the list goes on) that he has no idea who to fire first.
With Rudy conducting a shadow foreign policy either behind Pompeo’s back or with his stupid approval, proves that Pompeo has no conscience. We already know that Rudy has no conscience.
When you are talking about your crazy uncle you just smile and make sure you quietly take his guns away, but when the President of the United States engages in crazy old man talk, I guess you follow his directions and go to his even crazier friend to find out why he is “concerned” about the clouds in the sky and why he so desperately wants the neighborhood kids off his lawn
As with the “transcript” of the phone call, this is the version of events they are offering as “exculpatory”. It is hard to imagine how bad the actual record must be, that they offer such a damning story In an attempt to get their version “out there first.”