On the heels of news that the whistleblower might be under federal protection because he or she fears for their own safety, President Trump on Sunday evening demanded to know the individual’s identity.
He’s really pushing the envelope on the whole “unhinged wanna-be dictator” thing, isn’t he? I Can’t wait to hear from the right wingers about how he’s “just joking.”
Spanky tweeting stuff that is bat shit crazy I am sure will be an effective way to combat an impeachment and go a long way to improving his poll numbers.
Pro tip to Trump: You will face your accusers in the same place and manner as any other American: after you have been impeached, removed from office and are on trial for your crimes.
He’s SUCH a jacka$$. He doesn’t even know what he’s SAYING or understand the inquiry but BY GOD AND BY TRUMP, SOMEBODY should be arrested for DARING to question him. Hugh Hewitt is out with an inane op ed today along similar lines. Somehow it’s A-OK with these frauds to scream and lie and drool and spit and BREAK THE LAW but for no one else.
Keep hitting him. Be relentless. Do not lose the narrative. Cornyn and others are now questioning the whether the whistleblower had “first hand” knowledge. That has nothing to do with “we need you to do us a favor”. That statement is the ballgame.
While recently reading a scholarly article on the Impeachment of Donald Trump, the author made what I found to be a startling statement, ‘we must be careful when overturning the outcome in a presidential election’.
Without apparent irony the writer seemed to suggest that the candidate who got 3 million fewer votes than their opppnent was the true will of the American voter.
Most Historians work hard to identify that one event which became the tipping point for a People and their future as a nation- an argument can be made that for the United States, that time is now.
Trump was a mistake who became a catastrophe- who is now a material threat to the security of our country.