Trump Defends Putin Remark | Talking Points Memo

When pressed about how he jokingly warned Russian President Vladimir Putin not to “meddle” in the 2020 election, President Donald Trump doubled down on the remark during a news conference in Osaka Saturday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The off hand remark was something along the lines of “So, you’re saying that we don’t have to be secretive. We can just do it out in the open and the tame media and corrupt Senate will look the other way…”


“Trump Says Meddling Came Up Again ‘A Little Bit After’ Offhanded Putin Remark”

Otherwise known as planning.


Intentionally sneering at and violating long accepted norms concerning presidential behavior is a key element of Mr. Trump’s brand. He also has a common tactic of minimizing his inappropriate behavior by turning everything into a joke.


Trump checks in with his KGB handler.


" Russia … If your listening " …

And that’s exactly how it goes down. There was a political and media shitstorm at Helsinki. Now, not a single Repub Senator says a thing. It’s “normalized.” Our media does complain, but the message is lost when it fails to generate criticism in his own party. It’s obvious that the GOP welcomes Putin’s “assistance.”

I take solace in this: Has anyone seen the excellent 5 hour HBO mini series Chernobyl? There is a youtube poster who was living in Kiev at age of 15 in 1986 posting vids about the show. His last one is titled “Russian media butt hurt over HBO’s Chernobyl.” He stated over the last 18 years Putin has been trying to revise history for Russian younger generation how great the Soviet Union was… He stated in 5 hours the HBO mini series has destroyed the myth Putin has been trying to sell over the last 18 years. Soviet Union collapsed because it sucked as a government.

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“Fuck your Founding Fathers.”
- Vladimr Putin, 2019

“He is a terrific person.”
- Donald J Trump, 2019