Trump Defends Noem, Suggests She Maybe Didn’t Read Her Book ‘Carefully.’ She Did. - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Considering what we do know that the cult doesn’t care at all about, it must be bad. Like, say, what if he ate a puppy with Ivanka while five Russian ladies of the night relieved themselves on him while reading aloud from the Satanic Bible and Obama’s memoir? Would that do it?

It was all in a chapter entitled “Bad Day to be a Goat?” Well, there’s a previously undisclosed detail. Once that goes directly to my belief that the whole intent of bragging about her cruelty to animals was that it was an attempt to demonstrate her fitness to be the Leader to a sado-authoritarian base that, as fascists will do, fetishizes the hard heart and steely determination needed to Do What’s Necessary in dealing with Enemies of the People. I mean, how can we trust her to order the machine gun towers on the border wall of their dreams to gun down families trying to cross our sacred borders and pollute our pure White blood with their brownness if she won’t even kill a puppy?


Well, he doesn’t need SC, he could use a minority, but…he and his base wouldn’t like that.


Her dog? Or her daughter’s dog? Remember, when the child came home, the first thing she asked was, “Where’s Cricket?”


The entire chapter that includes the dog killing anecdote — entitled “Bad Day to be a Goat”

Wait…she murdered a dog in cold blood, and the takeaway is that it’s a bad day for—
The fuck did she do to that goat?

Also, she has doubled down on the Cricket story on TV. If the edits were for minor inaccuracies anyone might overlook, like staring down a dictator when you didn’t, why would Noem remove something she’s obviously proud of and stands behind?


The answer made her cry – but not as much as the answer to, “Where’s Grandma?”

(“Bubby had a bad hip, honey; it was the only kind thing to do.”)


I’ve had a sneaking suspicion of this since the book “rollout”. She claims she demonstrated a willingness to make tough decisions. Baloney. She demonstrated a willingness to wantonly kill and not give a damn. I think that is her new appeal.

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Up until this week, the former president and 2024 candidate — who has not yet announced his VP pick — has stayed far away from Noem’s dog killing drama.

“All that they’ve heard from me is crickets.”

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I keep saying, Noem is not in any way out of the VP running. She’s shown she’s down with killing the inconvenient; she’ll lie; she’ll deflect blame, and she’s damaged goods, which will make her more loyal when Trump elevates her. Which of those traits ISN’T Trump looking for?


I’m not sure saying, “Noem is a sociopath, but it’s okay because she’s a careless sociopath,” is really the mitigating flex Trump seems to think it is.

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Is Trump suggesting that Noam did not read the book she wrote or is this like all of Trump’s books ghost written by others and not proofread thoroughly by the person who they are written about? Either way the suggestion is absurd just like Trump and Noam are absurd.

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A belaboring the obvious revelation…assholes are often apologists for those of their ilk…other morally bankrupt assholes.

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Trump doesn’t"t understand why people honor those who risked or gave their lives for their country. He’s at a total loss as to why the voters care about a puppy. He is hoping that if his base is offered an opportunity to pretend it didn’t happen it will all blow over by the time of the GOP convention.


If I were Donald Trump I would never consider for my VP a woman whose response to encountering a disagreeable old male animal is to shoot it.

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Suspect that Kristi has lost this endorsement: