Trump Congratulates Sanders On Nevada | Talking Points Memo

Bernie knows the convention rules. If he can’t win on the first ballot, the super-delegates are allowed to vote. At that point the notion of fairness will be superseded the established rules. Don’t be surprised if Warren delegates join his cause and gets him over the 1,991 vote finish line.


narrator:“he’s not olbermann, so his job is safe.”



Well if you go on any of the right wing blogs Yep she did it!!!


A cynical person might think this is written to imply that Trump “supports” Bernie, a parallel to “Russia supports Bernie”: a device to discourage people from supporting Bernie by implying that they would be siding with THE BAD GUYS. Political Manipulation #101.



They are equally analogous to a gagging reflex induced by the smell of raw sewage after a triple dose of syrup of ipecac, albeit one of them spews less spittle.


Trump is already priming the pump for Sanders believers to protest should he not get the nomination.

Why are none of Democratic candidates not playing the audio of Sanders praising Castro?

That’s treating Sanders fairly…


Possibly the most gracious statement Trump has made about a potential Democr- um, rival.



There always is that possibility of no election being held. Agreed. Some national emergency will surface that make the election ‘impossible’ and SCOTUS will back him up. Forget that Lincoln ran in the middle of a civil war, and FDR ran in the middle of WW2.

Shoot, just when I was starting to feel slightly less bad about things…


You mean, like one of those teaser trailers for the upcoming blockbuster shitshow?


I miss Keith too.


Dear Tweety,

May I call you Tweety? Too bad, I’m doing it anyway. This, Tweety, is my heartfelt message to you: FOAD, as soon as possible.



I believe he’s talking about the Vichy government installed there during the war. Not Nazis, but certainly not the resistance.


I don’t agree in the slightest with your characterization of Sanders and his supporters, but I applaud your ability to recognize the electoral logic that argues for his viability. A billion dollars plus of BS is about to be dumped into the discourse about Bernie, and I hope everyone can keep their eyes on the ball: defeating Trump and moving national policy in a leftward direction.


About how weak France was, it fell so quickly. I get it. But still.


Asininity from Axios.


I wonder who he is manipulating?

America has seen Sanders type political upheaval.

Food for thought from HeatherCoxRichardson:

“A lot of folks have been asking me lately if America has ever been in such a crisis before and, if so, what people in the past did to save democracy.

The answer to the first question is yes, it has, three times, although only once was this bad. In the 1850s, the 1890s, and the 1920s, oligarchs took over the nation’s government, controlling the White House, Congress, and the courts.

In the 1850s, elite southern slaveholders took over the Democratic Party and insisted that they should have the right to spread their economic system of large plantations worked by enslaved laborers across the American West. This would mean a whole host of new western slave states which, acting in concert with the southern slave states, would take over Congress and make slavery national.

In 1854, with the help of compliant Democratic President Franklin Pierce, they forced through Congress the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This law replaced the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had kept slavery out of the northwestern plains. The Kansas-Nebraska Act would let settlers choose whether or not they would admit enslaved labor but, so long as a single slave was brought into a territory, the government would have to protect slavery there under the Constitution’s promise to protect property (for enslaved workers were, technically, property). This, of course, meant slavery would spread to all the territories.

Three years later, in the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court denied that Congress had any power to legislate in the territories anyway, meaning it could not stop the spread of slavery there. Then pro-slavery men in Kansas cheated to win territorial elections, then passed laws that kept anti-slavery men from ever holding power. Then, when Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner—who had himself been a Democrat until 1854—protested that pro-slavery men were cheating in Kansas to serve the slaveholding oligarchy, a southern Democrat beat him nearly to death on the Senate floor. Then, in the 1860 election, southern slaveholders kept all but Democrats from voting, and refused even to allow ballots with their opponents’ names on them.“


No, the Vichy government were collaborators after the invasion. I hadn’t thought of that comparison before, but he may be on to something there.

Bernie would be a godsend to Putin as well, since his idea of foreign policy is to take our troops out of everywhere, which would allow Putin to set up shop wherever he likes.