President Donald asserted that he often knows more about issues than his own government experts on Friday afternoon, after publicly pushing undermining FBI Director Christopher Wray and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention Director (CDC) Robert Redford’s testimonies on Russian election interference and the COVID-19 vaccine, respectively.
The blurry background image of Mitch makes that pic a little more terrifying. And it’s already scary enough, since it’s clear Trump is speaking out loud.
ETA: this company is not related to the Trump Org, but someone in Australia.
He knows a lot about escorts, for sure. These morons don’t even know how to remove stuff from the webarchive.
Why would anyone spend a lonely night alone in a hotel room when they could go to dinner with a stunning woman and enjoy exchanging stories and laughter over a bottle of champagne? That’s a no-brainer… Everyone who is sitting alone seeks a wonderful and beautiful woman to spend time with.
So why waste time and money on trying to meet someone, or risk your safety by picking someone up in a bar? Blind dates are embarrassing and internet dating is even more unpredictable and disappointing… Book an elite escort to meet you and keep you company. You are paying for guaranteed beauty, education, hygiene and charm. And there are no expectations to stay in touch after your date! The perfect arrangement for the big city.
Well now the reporters should ask him to show his work. Can’t get credit or acknowledgement without showing your proof, otherwise your just have an opinion and an asshole, no more no less.
No one should be shocked by statements like this. His followers think they know more than anyone else. Nothing more than playing to his base. I deal with friends any family members who believe they are practically doctors and dentists because they went to appointments once. I’m sure most here deal with attitudes like this often.
His “gut” tells him more than “anybody else’s brain” could ever tell him.
He assumes he knows more about the military than his generals, more about climate science than his administration’s climate scientists, and more about everything. .
The fact that he’s the smartest guy in the room and only listens to people who reassure him that his impulses are correct is the one thing that’s kept this country from utter destruction.
A more competent wanna-be dictator would actually have listened to the experts around him on how to fully dismantle and destroy our institutions and government.
A couple of years back here in Wichita, we had a several-weeks-long stretch of temperatures over 100 degrees. At one point I told my wife, “I’ve run out of ways to say, ‘Hoo boy, it’s hot.’”
Just because I didn’t comment on it, though, didn’t mean it was any less hot.
The same goes for figuring out what to say about Trump saying stuff like this. Well, actually I do know something: since Congress won’t impeach him again and, even if it did, the Senate won’t convict, the only thing I know to say is, “Be sure you vote!”