Actually he might be telling the truth this time. There is a rumor that years ago Epstein was a member of Mar-a-Lago. He hit on the very young daughter of another very wealthy member. That member complained to Trump. Trump kicked Epstein out of the club and hasn’t been chummy with him since. This is just a rumor I heard. It needs to be checked out.
"Trump also said that “everybody else” in the criminal justice system would probably look back on their past decisions and “wish they maybe did it a different way.”
What an idiot. He really is making the case that the Epstein case has him pestered.
The propaganda counterpunch is in full swing. Trump is claiming that he “had a falling out” with Epstein years ago, conveniently right around the time that the alleged crimes were taking place. Kellyanne was out in front of cameras repeating it. And the redhat propagadists are out in force in comments sections all over the internet asserting the same.
Get ready for this to become all about Epstein’s connections to Clinton and the Democrats, which is almost assuredly the next phase.
(And for the record, if Bill Clinton was involved in raping children, he should face the harshest consequences along with the other perpetrators. But it should not serve as a distraction from Trump’s involvement.)
Trump also said that “everybody else” in the criminal justice system would probably look back on their past decisions and “wish they maybe did it a different way.”
The more vociferous he becomes about not associating with Epstein will be in direct proportion to the danger he perceives in being exposed as having taken advantage of Epstein’s service.
"Trump also said that “everybody else” in the criminal justice system would probably look back on their past decisions and “wish they maybe did it a different way.”
…says the guy who still insists the Central Park 5 were guilty. Despite their being exonerated by DNA evidence and the confession of the guy who actually committed the crime.