Trump Campaign Aide Hits Biden For Conflating War Hero Stories

Marc Lotter, the director of strategic communications for President Trump’s reelection campaign, seemed to forget his candidate’s propensity for bending the truth — or worse — on Friday morning.

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Lotter is a heartless sophist. That said:


Oh nice, the “poor old Joe’s gone and lost his marbles…” attacks are picking up steam. I imagine we’ll start hearing, “Joe is starting to look awfully frail!” soon as well.


This should be very easy for Biden to handle, given Trump’s lies. I would even say that it’s a golden opportunity. The question, as always, is whether a Democrat can figure out the riposte and stick to it.


I hate to say it but Lotter is right. Republicans don’t give a shit about who their candidate is, but Democrats do care. Biden would be an utter and complete disaster as a candidate. Sure, he’s better than Trump, but Trump isn’t running as a Democrat and Republicans don’t give a shit about how crazy their candidate is. Saying that Biden doesn’t embellish the truth as often as Trump is completely irrelevant. Democrats won’t support Trump light, ever!


Thanks for the heartfelt advice, asswipe.


Don’t think that Trump or any of his obedient minions are in ANY POSITION to claim others are embellishing, exaggerating, unhinged or not telling the truth. God Almighty, the hubris is stunning!!


“Marc Lotter, the director of strategic communications for President Trump’s reelection campaign, seemed to forget his candidate’s propensity for bending the truth — or worse — on Friday morning.”

He didn’t forget. Republicans just don’t care about Trump’s lies.


Pot, meet Kettle.


So Biden’s the one with cognitive issues?

This should be an interesting 14 months, unless of course come next Tuesday, Democrats put on their big boy pants. Next week should be a blast.

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None of this would be newsworthy, but for bothsiderism and false equivalency. Josh lays it out pretty well. That said, I’m for Liz Warren, I think she’d make a better president, but folks do appear to like Biden quite a bit. He’ll probably win the nomination.


The irony…oh the fking irony. Honest to Christ.


Don’t you worry, Biden’s support will melt away. That said, I’m cooling on Elizabeth. I’m just having doubts if she can win.

I hate to sound soppy, but I think Democrats should look for a unifying candidate. (Biden is such a candidate, I just don’t think he can carry it off, and I’m concerned about the very real possibility of rapid mental decline if he were elected.)


That didn’t take long. Do we really need another entitled senior citizen as our candidate.


Not working. We know Joe. We know your lying piece of rat dung, too. But, please proceed.


I agree, but unifying Democrats would be like the “eighth labor of Hercules”. The price of a big tent, is a higher probability of encountering more clowns.


True that. I’m still marveling at this Hall of Fame statement from earlier in the week:

“I don’t think they’re lies. I think the president communicates in a way that some people, especially the media, aren’t necessarily comfortable with. A lot of times they take him so literally. I know people will roll their eyes if I say he was just kidding or was speaking in hypotheticals, but sometimes he is. What I’ve learned about him is that he loves this country and he’s not going to lie to this country.”
— White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham


The price of a big tent, is a higher probability of encountering more clowns.

You’re talking too much sense!


What’s next? Attacking Biden’s hairdo? Criticizing his Russian connections? Maybe just a Word doc where someone has done a find/replace?

I don’t think it should be that hard to find a unifying candidate. I think we will all rally around somebody with a vision for the future, a knowledge of the past and an ability to work with all sides.

Biden’s doesn’t seem to have a vision for the future beyond not being Trump. He has the other two attributes.

What I find really problematic is the tribalism that has emerged in the Democratic party. Everybody wants to jump into either the progressive camp or the moderate camp. If you get right down to the basics there really isn’t much difference between middle ground Democrats and Progressive or Liberal Democrats. Unfortunately those differences are amplified by the people who can’t get over Clinton v Sanders. We have to get past 2016 and focus on the future which is a lot more than just getting rid of Trump.