The Trump campaign is plowing ahead with in person rallies and campaign events even as several members of its staff recover from coronavirus amid a cluster of cases in the White House.
I once took a class in evolutionary biology. We were taught that Darwinian evolution just happens–hence the “natural” in “natural selection”–and is not the result of conscious intent. That may be changing here: The Trumpazoids appear to be planning events that are guaranteed to weed them out of the gene pool.
Pretty much all states also have statutes authorizing individuals to be tested, isolated, quarantined, etc. for serious communicable diseases. In Florida, for instance, the State Health Officer can (if a public health emergency has been declared, which Ron DeVirus may or may not have gotten around to doing) can:
Order[] an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. . . . If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.
Not that it is ever going to happen, particularly in Florida.
I say, YAY! Go ahead, Trumpers, cheer your hearts out! The virus is nothing, no big deal, it doesn’t attract flies to your head or anything like that!
It might sink in if the people got sick immediately after contact with a infected individual or super-spreader event. With the long lag between exposure and symptoms, plus the complication of asymptomatic infections, there is no obvious cause-and-effect link. It requires some degree of abstract thinking to understand this. Unfortunately, the people being “weeded out” are taking a lot of time, energy money and the health & safety of people around them.
Cant they just fill up one of the domed stadiums with Trump fans and quarantine them until after the election… This way Donnie can go and get his dose of Trump Toady love on a weekly, or maybe even nightly basis… I am sure Fox and OAN would cover them.
I’d say “whatever, go get yourself killed” if I wasn’t indirectly paying for their illness through my insurance premium or running into them in the grocery store.