Trump Blows Up At GOP Guv For Rebuking POTUS’ ‘Outrageous’ Potential Refusal To Leave Office

That makes more sense. I don’t where I got Canada.

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Paradoxically, it’s one of the densest populations, but one does not feel crowded or physically oppressed, because it’s so “vertical”. You walk from your apt, maybe a block and you are on a street with shops and restaurants. I’ve lived in the 'burbs for decades, but was socialized in a city environment. Ditto for my wife. If you live in the bay area, it’s a short and cheap hop.

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But they won’t.

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There are other ways to do it - like Biden AG indictments of both Kavanaugh for perjury and Thomas for corruption, (both of whom are manifestly guilty.) That would open up two seats for Biden to fill without any packing at all.

Baker ought to just put up like the never Trump Republicans if he hasn’t already and endorse Biden.

I’ve owned 3 beetles, only one bought new. Love 'em. Before we had kids, my wife and I tooled all over in one.


“…Biden AG indictments of both Kavanaugh for perjury and Thomas for corruption…”

Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. Do you think that’s feasible?

It’s really too late to do anything about Thomas. Maybe threaten him with this to force him to retire?

However, with Kav and the noodnik that gets pushed through before 3 Nov, this would be absolutely reasonable.

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Learning Mandarin is helpful.

Let us fervently hope the newly (soon to be) packed rightwing court is ready to see TrumpyDumpy gone also…for the sake of the country and the World.

Well, they are finally facing the hard fact that the GOP is going to lose bigly and is probably not going to have any power for quite a while. They have stood by and stayed silent while Mitch McConnell and the GOP Senate have just about destroyed democracy. They have been too scared of being called names by the MAG(A)GOT-in-Chief to stand up to him. Congratulations to Baker for finally joining the overwhelming wave of disgust and loathing for this Tin-Pot wannabe dictator, but where the hell has he been all this time?


I pulled a fast one and had my neighbor who is a registered Republican witness and sign my ballot. They will never know what is inside until the actual count!

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I wouldn’t count them out TOO soon. Even if they lose this election they will be right out there throwing Trump under the bus and INSISTING DAMMIT they only played the game to PROTECT the country. ‘Think how much WORSE it would be if we’d left???’ They will trot out trickle down and tax and spend and guns and God and who knows? ONE thing Trump has pointed out correctly is that the Republican Party is easily played.

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As damning as the silence of the rest of the gop lambs is , it’s their glee that makes Trump so dangerous.


Yep, he’s a RINO. Reprehensible in Name Only.

Mr Prez should back a real Republican, i.e. a Trumpist, as candidate for Governor in the next Massachusetts GOP primary.

It began in the 80s, really. Clinton’s '92 upset of GHWB sent a few over the edge, and by 2000 the Brooks Brothers Riot was actually predictable. (With 20/20 hindsight.)


A blue badge of honor…

With Kavanaugh you have a credible rape accusation and perjury. With Thomas you just have perjury, and that was 29 years ago so the statute of limitations might have expired.

Because they never talked to anyone but “typical Americans” that you come across in the rural great plains and midwest. These are the people who would cheer on a new Reich: the only problem is that there are a lot of deplorables who seems to like the old Reich and its symbols, and they remember that grandpa fought the Nazis in WW2.

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