Trump, Biden Face Off At First Presidential Debate Of 2020 | Talking Points Memo

I’m trying to get into Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of the Maladies, but politics keeps drawing me back. Haven’t gotten far.

But now I’m going to make dinner. That’ll pass some time.


Hours before the debate, a Trump camp email goes out: "I just finished debating Joe Biden."

— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) September 29, 2020


You can tell it’s 2020 when even Bill Kristol is getting into the act…

See for yourself -


Matt…he was very disappointed!!!


Too bad Joe didn’t ask The Rock to show up.

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Did Kristol clear working with Soros with @castor_troy ?


I liked it a lot.


Wow! Who knew Kristal was such a wacky guy.

@castor_troy and @playitagainrowlf You never mentioned Bill was part of the Soros Brotherhood.


Well, it is what it is.


Has anyone mentioned to this guy that the people he is trying to emulate do NOT like anyone unless they are white Europeans. From his surname, I doubt he would be named Prom King with this crowd.


When Brad was in charge…this shoddy shit never happened. s/


160,000 at 6:11 and climbing fast.


Well, here we are…we all know which Trump will show up, because there’s only one, the “presidential” one that appears to read a teleprompter from time to time is a fake. He’ll be out there spewing lies, attacking everyone, and avoiding blame for anything that has happened while claiming credit for everything good that the Obama/Biden administration did. The only question is if he is low energy or gets torn apart for his lies…90 minutes is a long time for Trump to keep up his schtick, especially if he’s being challenged and has to answer for his crimes.

My real question is which Biden we get…the cool Uncle Joe, full of empathy, vigor, and righteousness, all applied well during the debate, or the bumbling old man from some of the Democratic debates. Trump and the Republicans have stupidly told everyone that Biden is a mental patient being led around, and today’s “Biden will wear an earpiece!” nonsense is their cover for when Biden shows up with facts and real answers. But, Biden needs to stay on top of his game the entire debate, and he needs to have a plan for the outright viciousness that Trump is about to throw at him…and no debate preparation will have prepared him for every possible awful thing. If Trump can manage to get Biden really angry, he wins…Biden should know that, but will he remember it in the moment? And, any appearance of “sleepy Joe” at the end of the debate will be a problem…heck, anything Biden does that’s off step will be a bigger post-debate discussion than the thousands of expected lies from Trump. It is what it is, sadly…we’ll see if the press actually evaluates the two candidates on an equal plane.

My prediction: Biden wins the debate on the facts, and on connecting with people who are really hurting and angry at the failures of Trump. My hope is that Biden is able to undercut Trump’s nonsense at the start, and then stay presidential through the entire debate and treat Trump like the spoiled child he is…that will win over lots of people.


Wow, trying to raise money by shaming people?
Just yuck!


Thanks! Following. And I notice I am in good company:


Aargh, we’ve got our gang here, the Crooked Media guys are doing a thing on YouTube, this now, and just saw James Fallows is doing a liveblog at the Atlantic. I can’t be everywhere! And I can’t even decide what I want for dinner! How will I choose? Oh noes!


A lot of people turn out to be smarter and nicer than you could ever have suspected when they finally get fed up with the wingnut noise machine. Michael Steele comes to mind.


Well now we’ll know if you disappear that you weighed us and found us wanting. hahahahahahahahahahaha


And the roast was never burned!

(too soon?)

Joe has a low bar to make.

He has never had an opponent so easy to take down. It’s not the Noise Machine. It’s not BothSider Nation. It’s not the Gotcha Gang.

It’s the same people you’ve been talking to on the Campaign Trail.

The only difference is that there is a bratty kid in the room.

When my wife and I would go on family vacations, sometimes we would have two bratty kids in the car.


(1) There is more space than in an automobile

(2) There’s only ONE bratty kid to talk over